so things were going really smooth until today :[
I am so sorry for what I have done to this little plant, i tried to patch her up but she really couldn't hold
i'm trying to hang on for her but it's not looking too good and she was doing so well, my best yet i think :[
i had a bad day today knocking things over, dropping /spilling stuff, among other things and just a bad day
and it started after this point
but I feel better that I can share on afn so thank you for that
and she didn't stay propped up i can't imagine how it must feel to have been snapped like that
i am trying to take away a learning point that i don't lose future meds
in the back of my mind i always am thinking or talking pretty much to myself so it
is sort of like an active subconscious or something always thinking though- I've thought of a lot of things
but I am very bad at verbally communicating them but I know that here they are lessons of patience and love and a
whole bunch of lessons tied into one i still must think about more and always try to understand more. sory this sounds really irrelevant now
and probably has made even less sense i think i need to contemplate in my garden more for now. feeling down for her