Got a lot of the issue resolved it looks. Hungry for the calmg under these LEDs they must be! I suppose my error looking back was relying too much on what I had in the supersoil not counting the extra needed for the LEDs, but an easy dolomite lime fix no doubt
ok so these are from this morning
next photos for the next waterings i'll get some more individualized and further away shots
Yeti looks like a chunker!
Spanish Diesel- getting an early pistil shot, throwing some sticky trichs it looks like? more molasses!
down the arms are lots of bud sites.. totally loading up
ok so these are from this morning
next photos for the next waterings i'll get some more individualized and further away shots
Yeti looks like a chunker!
Spanish Diesel- getting an early pistil shot, throwing some sticky trichs it looks like? more molasses!