Oh shit, the convention! Forgot about it and the car's apart in the driveway! I think there's an expo in Augusta soon, if I haven't missed it already. Maybe I'll make it there.
SAM Maine is a branch of "Smart Approaches to Marijuana." It's an anti-legalization group sponsored by Patrick Kennedy and headed by some crackpot named Kevin Sabet. They're an anti-legalization crew using lies, speculation and stupidity to try and convince people to oppose recreational use. They're OK with a degree of decrim as long as sentences include mandatory rehab. Yeah, right. Bunch of stupid dinks. Their website is learnaboutsam.org. It would be humorous if it wasn't so pathetic. Right now their big deal is the defeat of the Ohio initiative. Of course no mention that mandating monopolies might have something to do with it.
I was pissed that there was no petition at the polls Tuesday. I hope I find one somewhere. Although there's probably no worry about getting enough signatures it would be nice to get a few thousand extra.
That's great that you had a chance to change some opinions. And that the brainwashing of the populace is wearing off, allowing people to take a new look. I'm closer to 70 than I am to 60 and these past few years have been a breath of fresh air, with the lying bastards being found out.