NEWS Recreational marijuana in Maine


Common sense is no longer common
Oct 20, 2015
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Portland and South Portland are currently the only two cities where possession is legal for recreation.
Marijuana advocates have filed paperwork in Maine seeking a 2016 ballot initiative that would legalize recreational use.
Maybe one day soon it will be legalized for recreational from West Portland (Oregon) to East Portland (Maine) across the United States.
Do you think cannabis is something that should be voted for as a country or separately in each state?
Maybe one day soon it will be legalized for recreational from West Portland (Oregon) to East Portland (Maine) across the United States.
Do you think cannabis is something that should be voted for as a country or separately in each state?
Personally with the amount of information we have on the benefits of cannabis. Compared to evidence that it's harmful (practically none). Making cannabis illegal in the first place is a crime against humanity. We should initiate a public referendum to repeal the cannabis laws and we should go back to treating it for what it is...a plant. No taxes. No bull shit. It's a medicinal plant of you want to make use of you can..
Imo cannabis shoud be entirely removed from scheduling and the feds should butt out completely. They don't now and never have had any rational basis for its prohibition other than social control. States shouldn't have any jurisdiction either but as a practical matter they will and we need to be careful what gets voted into law, and carefully monitor how legislatures react to the will of the people.

IMarijuana Policy Project's Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol has agreed to drop its own proposal and back Legalize Maine's petition. This is a Good Thing. Less confusion between proposals, and LM's ballot initiative is less restrictive.

It's kind of humorous that Sabet and Kennedy's idiotic "Smart Approaches to Marijuana" group is spinning the merger to be an indication of limited support for legalization in Maine, when it actually shows that there's a growing unity among legalization groups.

We owe it to ourselves to get out to the polls this Nov. 3. Whatever you think about the referendum questions it's pretty much a given that the petition will be there and it would be nice to collect way over the 61,000 signatures required to get legalization on the ballot in 2016. Last I heard there were about 40,000 so 100,000 or more doesn't seem out of line given the exposure on election day.
Nice, my birthday is November 3rd so good luck! Its the Third Phase of The 8th Moon and a Planet Alignment of Venus & Mars!

I Hope You Have a Great All Hallows Eve Tonight on Sabbath the 20th day since the 8th Moon and the First of the Constellation of Libra!
Imo cannabis shoud be entirely removed from scheduling and the feds should butt out completely. They don't now and never have had any rational basis for its prohibition other than social control. States shouldn't have any jurisdiction either but as a practical matter they will and we need to be careful what gets voted into law, and carefully monitor how legislatures react to the will of the people.

IMarijuana Policy Project's Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol has agreed to drop its own proposal and back Legalize Maine's petition. This is a Good Thing. Less confusion between proposals, and LM's ballot initiative is less restrictive.

It's kind of humorous that Sabet and Kennedy's idiotic "Smart Approaches to Marijuana" group is spinning the merger to be an indication of limited support for legalization in Maine, when it actually shows that there's a growing unity among legalization groups.

We owe it to ourselves to get out to the polls this Nov. 3. Whatever you think about the referendum questions it's pretty much a given that the petition will be there and it would be nice to collect way over the 61,000 signatures required to get legalization on the ballot in 2016. Last I heard there were about 40,000 so 100,000 or more doesn't seem out of line given the exposure on election day.
Who are these SAM Maine people, anyway? I was texting with Russ Belville a few weeks ago, and he was RIGHT wound up about SAM Maine, on 420Radio... I did a bit of googling, but they seem to be pretty spartan..... lolol

I agree that the combining of both Maine initiatives is a good thing. Impressed that MMP and LegalizeME could do the right thing, so we can merge our resources!

At the polls, on 11/3, I was chatting with the cannabis petition dude, and a "mature" woman came up next to me and says.. "I don't know if I should sign THAT one." Of course, I ask what her concerns are.
"I don't want it to get in the hands of kids!"
After a 2 minute speech on how they get it NOW, versus regulation, not only her, but 5 other citizens (ALL older than me, and I'm 52) who listened in on the conversation signed it! A 10 minute chat ensued, outside, on cannabis' medical uses are, and if they are "real". I was in Advocate Nirvana!!! lolol

I'm going to do some live posting from the Portland Cannabis Convention, this weekend. Looking forward to networking!!
It's tomorrow?? It's the twins B-day today and I'm working in the am but I would definitely like to be there.
It's tomorrow?? It's the twins B-day today and I'm working in the am but I would definitely like to be there.
12-6PM Saturday
11-5PM Sunday

Im going to def be there Saturday. Depending, I can be there Sunday, too.
If you decide to come down, post here! If you just yell "WAXI" in the venue, I'll jump up and down, hip hop like... lolol