Sweet Seeds Rebel Runs Sweet Seeds

Caramel - mandarin - sweet cheese - sad update!!

Evening my friends! Here's where I'm at with the current Sweet Seeds Brood!

Cream Caramels @ 23 Days from Sow





Cream Mandarins @ Day 23 from Sow -- #1 Stretched herself a bit but she'll fill in nicely!




Sweet Cheese @ 23 Days from Sow


S.A.D. @ 16 Days from Sow


:Sharing One:
You my friend are a T-5 guru! your sweets are looking schweet!:thumbs:
Thank you kindly Briman!! I do love me BadBoys!! Never done me wrong in 3 years! :Sharing One:

and keep in mind I use Bloom Cycle Bulbs only -- from sow to harvest. Who says it can't be done?! :xlaugh: :grin: "AFN smoke out"
Wow what a last week and a half we've had. Had a blackout for 3 days after over a foot of snow.

All the Caramels, Mandarins, the SAD, and Sweet Cheese are all doing extremely well considering the rough week they all had. In addition we have three new Sweet Strains we've never had before! As of today we have a Red Poison, a Mohan Ram, and 2 Sweet Specials!

I think this is the largest amount of Sweet Gear I've ever had going at one time lol

Not to mention I have 2 Green Poison going into week 8. So lets see...

2 Green Poison
2 Cream Caramel
2 Cream Mandarin
Sweet Cheese
2 Sweet Special
Red Poison
Mohan Ram

Somebody stop me!!! LMAO! Astro, get your insulin ready...
Sweet man. Tuning in this one. I see you got a SAD going. Waiting on mine in the mail.. Wont be growing them for a little while though.

They look gorgeous btw man.
Neko! So good to see you here! The last SAD I grew was huge lol crazy good heavy smoke! Among my Lady's favorite! I'm very fond of it as well lol

Thanks again bro! Supposed to get broadband finally on Thursday! So long satellite bull crap!!

Neko I'll get caught up with your grows soon as I get back online! You got as many threads as I do! LOL
Oh man. Relieved to hear you say that about the S.A.D I was kind of concerned it wasnt going to be a lack luster yeild...as far as weight is concerned. Seems like even the ones that stay short yield nicely from what Ive seen on here. I need a heavy smoke too man.

Hey no worries about catching up. Take you time my friend. I have been starting up a lot of threads lol. It was a little over whelming trying to keep up at first.

cheers Rebel. :Sharing One:
I forgot to say... The reason I brought up broadband... I'll be doing an update Thursday. Hopefully lol

I'll drop pics of my old SADs then for ya!