:stylez rasta smoke: -that's a
great deal
Sniper! And BC is the good stuff,... damn, my have to go check that out myself- :brow: Right now, small volume supp's are the way to go,...but to get them cost-effective is titty-mon!
Reb, the best thing to do is spray them after lights on for a little while at least, to get those stoma's opened up (tend to close more at night, I think...), then pull them out into indirect light, or where ever you need to so as to not make a mess, because it is a bit messy! Got some water spreader? Ideally, you want just enough in the soln. to make very low, flat beads with some sheeting,.. too much, and it goes on like thin oil, and runs off more-- but that's still worlds better than nothing and big, tall beads! A little testing-tinkering will show you how much,...the stuff I use is very dish soap-like, clear, and conc. as hell; In a 1L bottle, I start with 1/4tsp-- 5-6 drops; Depending on what you're spraying, usually you get the top
and bottom of the foliage-- max' s.a. coverage! then, set'm aside where they can dry slowly, allowing time for the stuff to get taken in,.. it's all about the stomata bro', that's the only way in, and if it's not in liquid form, it'll just sit there... In fact I go back again with a light misting of water to resuspend the goodies and make for a second helping! :munchies: less than an hour total, I figure, so they won't be losing too much prime-time,..Just make sure they're dry by lights out... For the BFX, they rec' focusing on the buds proper, as well as soil application, to really get the buds' attention and stimulate that self-defense reaction that prompts increased resin production,...

...those trich's are deadly,... I find trapped tiny bugs all the time, glued inot place and dry-roasted in the sun! :xlaugh:

...off to post the IC pics,...