New Grower Raoul-Duke's First Grow, Northern Lights Auto, LEDs, Late Start

You could probably get away with a little bit more nitrogen in your next couple of feedings. That yellowing is a touch early and over all your plants are not pale but they're lighter green than they need to be at this point.

Current Diaries
Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze
Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.
Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
You could probably get away with a little bit more nitrogen in your next couple of feedings. That yellowing is a touch early and over all your plants are not pale but they're lighter green than they need to be at this point.

Current Diaries
Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze
Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.
Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.

Duly noted. I'll add a little grow nutes to their next feeding. I wasn;t sure where their feeding sched should be at since they were a little stunted. I guess I need to learn to listen to what the plants are needing a little more. Thanks a bunch!:pass:
Hey I noticed you had a grow going with promix bx, is that what you normally use? I've been ph'ing to 5.8, is that okay for the whole grow? should i be mixing it up? Do you ever add anymore perlite? Any tips would be awesome. Gotta start thinking about the next grow and how I'm going to improve. I appreciate the help if you can, no worries if you can't. :pass:

Nice looking plants man! Don't know what rock I've been sleeping under but better late to the party than never :pass:

Lucy and Barbara, huh? Classic stuff....

So where's Dr Gonzo at?
Best movie ever. I almost want to leave my old lady because she doesn't care for it. I'm always quoting the movie and she just looks at me with that glare.....LOL

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

I dont know how I missed this man, I'm sorry brother. Nice to have you aboard. If I ever get a male plant, I'll probably name him Dr. Gonzo haha. I get similar glares when ever I make quotes as well.:crying:

Order some golf shoes. Otherwise we'll never get out of this mess alive. Impossible to walk in this muck. No footing at all.

You got some good help in here man.. your plants don't look bad at all.. I'd tank all the yellow stuff off and clean up all the little stuff that won't amount to anything and see how they like that..The plant will waste more energy than it's worth trying to repair itself..
Did they finally stop stretching?