Grow Mediums Rain Science Grow Bags communal test thread

Lookin' good buddy, as long as those Mephisto's do good lol. Want me some of that Pink Panama!

Prepare for a tough seed casing. They’re all doing good now. I think I did it again lol gonna have a jungle this time I have enough lights for it all.
Well, finally got my RainSci bag in service. Waited a while to see if my COB-fried seedlings were going to make it. That gave me time to install some grommets. My first time with the grommet job, and I have to say, I'll leave it to the RainScience folks to do it for me on future bags. For comparison purposes, I'm running this with a 5 gallon fiber bag (on the right).

26.OGKs Group.JPG
26.OGK1 RainSci.JPG
26.OGK12 Fiber.JPG
pops update Rain science growbags
Things are a little slow to pop and stopped, drop new seed today
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You're not the only 1 with slow movement bud. 2nd time is the charm, she will come no doubt. They know it's really only February still lol.