Grow Mediums Rain Science Grow Bags communal test thread

Well, finally got my RainSci bag in service. Waited a while to see if my COB-fried seedlings were going to make it. That gave me time to install some grommets. My first time with the grommet job, and I have to say, I'll leave it to the RainScience folks to do it for me on future bags. For comparison purposes, I'm running this with a 5 gallon fiber bag (on the right).

26.OGKs Group.JPG
26.OGK1 RainSci.JPG
26.OGK12 Fiber.JPG
Sorry for the crappy pic from my tablet, but my camera won't upload to a newer chrome book it doesn't recognize.

AutoSeeds Girl Scout Cookies
Around 2 weeks old :headbang:
