I’m really liking these bags they will be in my groom for a long time. Some thick stemmed ladies I can’t wait to pull these out and check out the root pruned root ball. Nothing yet on the chimp glue may have to start another.
I’m really liking these bags they will be in my groom for a long time. Some thick stemmed ladies I can’t wait to pull these out and check out the root pruned root ball. Nothing yet on the chimp glue may have to start another.
Looking nice and healthy. I was going to buy some of the Rain Science bags, but decided to give air pots another go. I'll try Rain Science at a later date.
I’m really liking these bags they will be in my groom for a long time. Some thick stemmed ladies I can’t wait to pull these out and check out the root pruned root ball. Nothing yet on the chimp glue may have to start another.
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