Personally had much better results bubbling rainwater for 12-24hrs, our tap water here has chlorine and chloramine.
I love most municipal water!
Why? You ask.
Because it has been treated to remove most pathogens that are harmful to man, beast and plant.
But isn't what they treat it with harmful to those same things?
Yes, in large enough concentrations and depending on the chemical.
Chlorine- great antiseptic- offgasses under most conditions within 24hours
Chloramine- Chlorine attached to ammonia combines to form chloramine, a longer lasting antiseptic. Does not offgas, but must be broken down, either chemically or naturally to break the bond between the chlorine and ammonia, resulting in the chlorine offgassing and the ammonia being consumed by microbes in the nitrogen cycle.
In general there is regular on going testing to insure those chemicals are within safe ranges.
Drinking most municipalities water, a person would succumb to water toxicity long before they could ingest enough for the antiseptics to be harmful in anyway.
so if you use bottled r/o water, does it have chlorine or chloramine? or