Outdoor Quentins Country garden....The adventures of a stoner

I see you're still at it, how was the season up today, was abdent for a while myself:pass:
Hi mate, i noticed you'd been missing, hope all is well. The season so far has been a great one. It's had it's challenges like moving the greenhouse while it's full of plants, house inspections, and just general paranoia lol but plant/growth wise i couldn't be happier :biggrin::pass:
Check this grim mothefucker out. :frowny:
Found it today in my au runt. A caterpilar or summat similar,
I'm guessing something was laid inside and made its way out.
Natures fucking ruthless!!
(Camera quality isnt great, sorry)
Check this grim mothefucker out. :frowny:
Found it today in my au runt. A caterpilar or summat similar, View attachment 934623 View attachment 934624 I'm guessing something was laid inside and made its way out.
Natures fucking ruthless!!
(Camera quality isnt great, sorry)

What absolute lil shits Q! You lost much to it? Is there no preventative we can spray to stop this?