Pythium ?


We live to survive our paradoxes
Cultivators Club
May 25, 2018
Reaction score
ohh the Infirmary, I can never truly escape this place. Posting in here as well to get some more eyes on this to help me.

Problem: Droop

Medium/grow method: Sunshine Mix [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] (blue label)

Feed: and supplements used: Mega Crop, GP root builder, GH Cal/mag

water source: Tap/River PH'd to 6.1-6.2

Strain/age: Dinafem Cookies 20ish days

light used: 25w T5 combined with some window ledge and recently moved under autocobs.

Climate: 21-23

Additional info: This is my Dinafem Solo cup grow. In the first set of pics she is 18 days. I've only watered 1 time at around day 9 since the initial water when I planted her. But she sure seems over watered. I took a pic of the roots , is that root rot ? It's hard to see in the picture but the solo cup has about 20 pinholes in the sides of the cup, and 4 larger holes for drainage in the bottom..

On day 9 I fed her 50ppm of cal/mag and 100ppm MC, 50 ppm green planet root builder and my base tap water is 250ppm. I adjust the water to 6.1ph, after 3 days my in pot soil always adjusts itself back to 6.8 testing with a accurate 8 soil probe.



Shortly after thos pics I watered her for a 2nd time on day 18. Here she is 2 days later



This plant was in the vicinity of a store bought household plant that I am suspect of having Pythium as well. It had been very over watered with no drainage. If this is in fact Pythium I am dealing with is it best to just garbage this plant ? Will this spread to others ?

It had been suggested to me by others this may have been under watering, and or N toxicity. I think I ruled out under watering as she has not perked back up.
