Ya, the plants are looking ok. My one pot has 2 plants in it and they are gonna survive well I think. Lots of green growth and the buds are forming well. The other one I have is a tall bushy pheno I guess and it too has gotten some good growth going again. So I am pretty positive at this point.
I think I have a Purple AK female or 2 coming up nicely as well. I can't remember but if I am correct I have 2 PJ's as well. These have not sexed as of yet.
I have a Gigglejuice that looks really nice and it's growing well, It just hasn't sexed yet. Hopefully, since it's an F1 it will start showing sex soon. I hope it's not a photo, but if it is I'll let her go...
The next time, I am going to grow all of one strain so I don't get mixed up.
I have some seeds from these strains, AA's (Indicia & Sativa Doms.), Purple Jem's, Purple AK's, DD's & Gigglejuice..
Any suggestions as to what anyone thinks my next grow will be.
I am going to get some fem seeds later in the summer to grow into the fall & winter. I can keep them warm, but keeping them cool and keeping them from turning to males from stress has been hard.
I think I am going to get some Fem seeds of either, HBD, RRF or Maybe Kush Von Stitch or even some Mi5.
Any other idea's for my fall / winter grow?
I have a small grow area that I keep improving slowly and by next summer I'll have my cooling issues figured out.