im half way through the bloom phase, thing are looking good especially since ive added in some new nutes like voodoo juice and rhino skin, will update with some pics etc soon.
also we got a strawberry cough coming to the end of seedling stage, been feeding that ever so lightly and plain water between feeds
my purpe:

my strawberry

as you can see slight damage to the branch coming off the stem but leaves are still real perky and havnt gone limp so fingers crossed she'll be fine
also pics arnt the best and the nuggets arnt so big but i think its got another 4 weeks or so to fatten up, and ive done couple autos in the past and thanks to voodoo juice and rhino skin from advanced nutrients im seeing buds where i hadnt before also i got a sexy wish bone top on one of the branches
which i tried to show in my 3rd pic
also we got a strawberry cough coming to the end of seedling stage, been feeding that ever so lightly and plain water between feeds
my purpe:

my strawberry

as you can see slight damage to the branch coming off the stem but leaves are still real perky and havnt gone limp so fingers crossed she'll be fine
also pics arnt the best and the nuggets arnt so big but i think its got another 4 weeks or so to fatten up, and ive done couple autos in the past and thanks to voodoo juice and rhino skin from advanced nutrients im seeing buds where i hadnt before also i got a sexy wish bone top on one of the branches

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