Grow Room Psilmex's Microgrow

Jun 23, 2016
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Hello all,
This is my first post here but I have been quite the quiet reader on this site for a very, very long time. I am very gracious and happy to be apart of such an eclectic and highly knowledgeable group of growers. I thought it is finally time for me to try to add to the knowledge here as well as hopefully grow as a grower and DIY'er. I am hoping that with this grow I can get to know everyone and excel my knowledge past where I am now, after all you never can know enough about our wonderful plant and the many methods of making your own free product. So without further delay I introduce to you my small DIY micro cab. I built this cab over a long period of time and although it is by no means perfect I am very happy with what I have created.




This cab is 18"x13"x25" and is roughly 3 cu ft. I have a cheap HHE 64x3w led cob light with a total of three computer fans, one for intake, one for extraction and one right below the light to help with cooling the light off in order to hopefully drop the inside temperature. So far I have done a test run with the front closed and it unfortunately was at 88 degrees. This is without the extraction fan running so I am hoping that once I receive my 12v wall wort this puppy will hopefully drop ten degrees or more but any suggestions on how to cool this thing down even more would be greatly appreciated. I plan on starting the germ here in about two weeks and getting this grow underway which I am hoping will provide enough time to fine tune this box to absolute perfection. Now unfortunately I do not have any autoflowers currently to get started so this first test run will be done, hopefully if it pops, with a Fem. Darkstar seed from TH Seeds that is a photoperiod. the soil I plan on using is:

And I also have some beautiful nutrients I picked up at a local shop that I am hoping will make my end result top shelf:

So please everyone suggestions are so very welcome I'd love to have some feed back and get this grow started correctly and hopefully be on my way to an easy grow. Again thank you so very much for welcoming me into your family and I hope to become a very valued and gracious member of this amazing community.

Welcome, and good start.

As for suggestions, 88 isnt bad i run in the Lower 80's, but ideally always use the extraction fan over the intake fan, usually you don't even need a intake fan so long as you have a passive intake thats at least twice the area of your exhaust, also looks like your exhaust fan doesn't have any light proofing, No carbon filter ?, You will potentially run into issues if it isn't light proofed, well with photoperiods anyways.

Also i presume your gonna be planning to lst or screen it, because if you don't with that size pot your probably gonna run into height issues.

Oh also if you point the circulation fan down at an angle it will circulate the air better, and blow against your plant/plants which will cause them to be stronger and get more air circulation, apart from your intake fan helping out with that

Good starting block though, looking forward to see what you can do.
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Awesome, and yea so far my intake is only slightly bigger than my extraction due to hole saw sizes so I figured maybe the intake fan would assist in circulation but instead I will just angle the fan there that is near the intake upward. As far as light proofing/carbon filter I was planning on making a DIY carbon filter when it started to become an issue along with the help of some ona gel. I def do want to do something there though besides the pantyhose I have covering the hole so far. Any suggestions for light proofing, like maybe a 45 degree angle or something similar maybe? and as far as lst'ing I definitely will do that. I have a little experience from a previous grow in college and the benefits not only for fitting the plant in tight places but overall bud production really made me a fan of lst. I would rather do that than scrog. But thank you for the suggestions I guess my next step will be light proofing/ diy carbon filter I def will filter through the forums but any favorites or suggestions as far as that goes?
Yeah if you did say a 90 Degree bend into another 90 degree bend with some space in between "pvc pipe painted flat black on the inside" or just straight into a carbon filter that was either inside the box parallel to the top of the box or the same ran on the outside of the box that would kill all light and be the better for cooling than running if you ran it vertical, as for the intake fan its fine where it is i was just saying the circulation fan by the led should be pointed down at an angle to blow on the plant/plants, but saying that the intake fan will most likely cause enough air circulation below the canopy that you wont have any issue.

As for diy carbon filter suggestions, ive made many different types in the past from round sock ones made from duct reducers to easy tray style ones, but they always had at least a 1.5-2" layer of carbon that the air has to go through, Google is your friend for ideas on "DIY Carbon Filters"
sweet Ill check that out probably just smarter to go with a carbon filter ill look up some ways to make some, I just hope it doesn't bog my fan down to drastically. Again thanks for your help.
So went to lowes and did some shopping today and found this 4in plumbing pipe that I wrapped in panty hose and, once i have it, will also fill with activated carbon. Hopefully this will work well. I also went to the thrift shop and picked up a 12v wall wort that is powering my fan to the max now so what I am thinking is I will re purpose my intake fan and place it on the other side of this carbon filter so that the airflow will still work good. Anyone want to back me up or correct my thoughts there on that? I also have two other fans that I will use for the inside to help the airflow and give my future plants branches some resistance to make them nice and strong. Anyway, hope everyone had a nice weekend and look forward to hearing from you all soon.


Dude that thing is dope, i need to find a way to integrate what i have now into something similar, i was thinking about doing something like that, but thanks man i appreciate the look I will def start working on this more hard core in the coming weeks, its the old lady's birthday week so been tied up in that but again thank you for showing that to me.
So I am taking Arty's Carbon filter build and customizing it to what I have available.

So far this is what I have. I have taken an old salt shaker and modified it to where it will fit inside my 4" Plumbing tube. I don't plan on screwing holes in the exterior of the 4" tube but instead hooking up a fan on the end of one end of the tube and hooking it to my extraction fan so that the air will be pulled drastically through the tube. Carbon will be put inbetween the outside of the small tube and inside the larger tube. there is a cap on one end of the interior tube preventing air from flowing in that end so that it will have to pass through the carbon before going through the interior tube. Now i know that this isn't the most efficient set up but the whole reason I have this interior tube is to give the fans a break from pulling through the carbon. I know this is a confusing post but I will have more photos coming once I get more materials to finish my build and hopefully then it will all begin to make sense. Sorry for the confusion but if this is understandable and any of you see a problem with this please let me know.