Outdoor Psicodelicia fem by Orrganic

The plant was tipped and trimmed at around week 6 and repotted to a 30-40L plastic container at around week seven. She (abbreviated to psycho due to her sensitive nature) was eased outdoors to a nice hot summers sun. I was extending her photoperiod with some fluros but uncharacteristic storms have been knocking power out and times a ticking, so she's been left out to catch some Z's.

Before the tidy up, showcasing some beautiful leaves

Close up before tip


After a tip and trim



Started to show what i assumed was a salt build up.
Young upper growth were thin and 'ridged'
Lower leaves were paling drooping and loosing lustre.
A drink of plain water solved the issue shortly before being potted up.


She is now permanently outside under 13 or so hours of daylight, 11 or under of direct light I'm guessing
It's still in true veg, for another few days or weeks maybe so i'll have a photoshoot to capture that and then its down to business!
Bad news guys.. This plant is looking to likely be a Hermie, I'll make another post once confirmed before removing this thread. Its most definitely due to my actions, I was pushing them by swapping their light sources and may have messed up their photoperiod more than once.
Good news!! The preflowers I thought were Hermie were just the first and I guess they never really needed to develop piltils or something.

It took a long time to show sex, pretty much only showed once the photoperiod started to decline and went straight into stagering for bloom.


I'll upload full pics in the next day or just having trouble sorting where to shoot full plant pics.

She's going into flower next to a green poison fv on the same timeline and is already clearly prepping for taller sativa type growth. I'm exited!!

Also thinking of getting the thread moved over to the photoperiod section, now that potpros has been finalized. Maybe even the outdoor section. What do we think?
G'day were lingering around week one of flower. Looking really promising for some big crowns.The plants doubled in size since the previous full plant pic and hasn't had a trim on the inside yet either so theirs lots of growth and budsites. Its being fed and average mix canna Vega ab, calmag and seasol. Its also had a light shot of canna boost accelerator to kick start the flower process.

These top sites are already near 12" of potential crown.


The top ten branches are going to yield the crop. The lower two to four might have to go.
this is as close to a full pic as I could get without background invading.

Sorry about sparse uploading, life's happening.