Pruning vs no pruning experiment

Indoor, tent. Am in a delta area, winters here are a foggy mess. I run my system backwards, running pressurized instead of under vacuum, that way I can bring dry air in from another area of the house, then out to the attic. I could run fewer plants, but where's the fun in that?
Another anti defoiler thread
It works for some folks in their grow area
And doesn't work for some folks in thier grow area
Try it and see if it works for your grow area and style
Up to now I usually only take those that are hanging off, and you are not pulling at anything still attached to the plant. I've always went with - the plant should use up the energy from the leaf, and dispose of it herself. You're just basically the caretaker, sweeping up the leaves.

Still, that is not to say there would be no benefits from leaf removal, but it is the same as most things in canna - plant / strain dependant.
I was unsure but caught a podcast jeff lowenfels he is dead against de foliation ,although i go by tucking as much as possible the odd leaf will get removed if its covering a few flower sights ,and they are the first to fall off when flushed ,I have also found it easier to read the plant and the change when flushed is like autumn
Not pruning would have me fighting mold half the year... ok...more than I already do, need that airflow, girls I don't have to trim up spring and summer, need it when the humidity hits in fall.
weight is irrelevant if it never gets to harvest.

Agreed. Also pruning can be strain dependant with some favoring while others react negatively. However I don't believe this thread bust any myths because training techniques and environment will impact hormones and ultimately development .

Irrigation cycles, selective pruning, crop steering in general can manipulate hormones affecting vegetative and flowering . I think it takes a lot of time dialing in a strain to determine whether pruning is beneficial
I dont defol and fans, but I do pull the larf from bottom if its not going to stretch to the top. I even used to top at 5th and remove the lower set of branches then train with excellent results. But my lights penetrate the canopy well.
So what is the reason for defoliating? I understand the reasons for removing some of the lower leaves if you're trying to avoid mold/mildew and can get enough fans. But for those who strip alot of the other leaves away, what is the reasons behind it? Just curious.
i farm in small acreage
Very small acreage
Like 2.5 square feet of acreage.
Through many years of growing Photos, i would defoliate and top hard in veg.
But now on my second grow with autos i do top due to height restrictions, ( though not topping the 3rd soon to be started grow)
I lst. And remove overlapping leaves
About week 3 I remove all leaves under canopy.
Then remove leaves as needed as budsites develop.
90% of the time leaf removal is done to open up air circulation,
10% of the rest of the leaf removal is a continuation of what was found after the 90% leaf removal.