Promix hp question

Strain:weeding cake auto
Pot: fabric 5 gallon
Soil: Promix 80%Hp with 20%perlite
Germination: Directlyl in soil
Location: Outdoor

Hi guys, I hope you can help.clarify a few things.
Here my.questions.

Since promix HP got no nutriment,when should I start to provide some and what kind?

Should I put plate under my grow bag so they can reabsorb the used water.

Should I give.nutriment each time.i give water or once a few time.btw watering?

And what brand don't cost a arm and are still good for auto?

Ty for your time and if you got other tips il take them
First time growing here
Over here tenps aint a issue. But the bug lart worried me a little im gonna put them back inside for a few day until they sprout at least. Sad that i dont have good sun inside wont be able to keep then in for more than a dew day
Same. I don't put any autos outside until it stays 55 degrees or more either. I think there may be some auto strains that can hang with colder but I had some stunt throwing them outside too early and cold.
I currently have a few autos that sprouted during a warm spell in March/April outdoors naturally from seeds dropped last year. They have since survived 30 days of nighttime temperatures in April and May below freezing and snow. They basically just existed at two to three inches tall for months. Within the last two weeks when temperatures reached 80's and 90's they suddenly took off, one over a foot tall and finally showing sex. Don't know what the end result will be but I'm curious how they will grow and I am just letting them grow naturally to see.

Over here tenps aint a issue. But the bug lart worried me a little im gonna put them back inside for a few day until they sprout at least. Sad that i dont have good sun inside wont be able to keep then in for more than a dew day
I had low temperatures right into June. I start by putting plants outside during the day, moving inside when the sun goes down. Basically letting the small plants adjust to being outside. I rarely use my tents other than to start seedlings and to get a jump on growing until the temperatures outside get to the point where it is warm enough to transition to outside growing. It is referred to as hardening off the seedlings.

Snail and slugs can be a big issue with plants where I live but I haven't experienced any problems so far this year. In late Summer I have had some issues with aphids on some plants. One reason autos started early and finishing before late Summer seem to avoid aphid infestations in my area.
I currently have a few autos that sprouted during a warm spell in March/April outdoors naturally from seeds dropped last year. They have since survived 30 days of nighttime temperatures in April and May below freezing and snow. They basically just existed at two to three inches tall for months. Within the last two weeks when temperatures reached 80's and 90's they suddenly took off, one over a foot tall and finally showing sex. Don't know what the end result will be but I'm curious how they will grow and I am just letting them grow naturally to see.
Holy sh1t! That's great! Post some pics when they get near the end. Love to see what a "wild" auto will do. :biggrin:
I use Pro-Mix HP and GH Flora series nutrients. I follow their “light” or “drain-to-waste” series schedule at 75-100% full strength, or around 500ppm. Always pH’ed to 5.8-6.3. I give plain pH’ed water in between each feed, always to run-off.

According Pro-Mix directly, there’s enough starter nutrients for the first week. I usually start feeding by day 10 at the latest.
Holy sh1t! That's great! Post some pics when they get near the end. Love to see what a "wild" auto will do. :biggrin:
I just topped this one at 29 inches tall. 3 months since it germinated around March and survived freezing temperatures. Just had an extreme growth spurt once nighttime temperatures got above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

A couple I am growing outdoors in Promix HP with some Fox Farms Ocean Forest mixed in.

A Fastbuds Original Skunk in a three gallon container. A couple weeks into flower. I screwed up when it was in veg and grabbed the wrong container to water, I had nutrients in the container but had forgot to lower the Ph and nearly killed it. Seems to be recovering with new vegetation.


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This one is a Fastbuds Strawberry Pie, same medium, same issue with not having the water with nutrients properly Phed. 5 gallon pot. When I grow straight in the ground I don't have these issues as the plant is not confined to a pot and they don't seem to need any nutrients or adjustment of ph when growing straight in the ground. This one just started flowering. It is a couple weeks behind the Skunk. About 29 inches tall. It was topped once. It was really doing well until I watered with the jug I forgot to lower the ph in.

I usually grow in fabric pots, I just neglected to use them so far this year except for a Skunk in a three gallon pot I have been trying to reverse with STS. Didn't work yet and it is packing on buds so I may have to pollinate it from a regular male of unknown type that sprung up from last year's seed run that I have not culled just so the Skunk plant doesn't go to waste since I have been spraying it with STS.


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Here are three plants in Promix HP in one gallon plastic pots. Seeds were ones I made last year by crossing a Fastbuds Original White Widow with Afterthought Autos Solar Wind, a Northern Lights strain. They were moved outside in April. On April 26 I had several inches of snow fall. These plants are just finishing up, I will likely harvest next week as I get more amber trichomes. I kept these growing small for a feminized seed run but my pollen donor I reversed failed to make pollen I could collect, though it apparently pollinated itself so I will get seeds from that one plant. I'll get an idea of the smoke from these three small plants.


When growing outside your size will be limited by pot size, sunlight hours and lower temperatures at night if you don't have nighttime temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. My conditions so far this year haven't been the best for yields and finishing takes longer than if grown under ideal conditions.

Photoperiod plants are easier to grow in my experience but I am far enough North that I have to find strains that finish early, otherwise once September arrives I have to deal with extreme humidity, insect infestation at the end of September and by the middle of October I have freezing temperatures, sometimes snow and one time I had freezing rain and found my six foot tall photo plants covered in icicles.
A couple I am growing outdoors in Promix HP with some Fox Farms Ocean Forest mixed in.

A Fastbuds Original Skunk in a three gallon container. A couple weeks into flower. I screwed up when it was in veg and grabbed the wrong container to water, I had nutrients in the container but had forgot to lower the Ph and nearly killed it. Seems to be recovering with new vegetation.
Lol. I made a similar mistake recently. Used old jugs from outdoor veggie garden that I mixed organics in previously and it dried on the bottom. Mixed new nutes up and didn't notice it flaking off till after one of my flowering plants started showing a bunch of little yellow dots on older leaves. She was pretty much at the point where I flush anyway so no harm done thankfully but glad I caught on before I had a problem in the rest of the garden. Nice plants! Wish I could try growing in the ground. It's a no no where I am. Indoors perfectly acceptable though.