Indoor Prism Lighting Science CMH Test grow - 2018

Awesome Brother! I'm very happy with the out-come... I never expected to turn out half this good....I'm pretty much pain free now, it's truly a wonderful thing, I can't remember when I haven't felt pain before....The doctors are amazed, I'm Amazed... I'm so glad I went through with it, I really had my doubts though, I will be honest....because of a prior failed back surgery, but this time I had an awesome Nero-surgeon that took his time and made sure it come out right...
I'm very, very happy for you bro :bighug::pass:
Awesome Brother! I'm very happy with the out-come... I never expected to turn out half this good....I'm pretty much pain free now, it's truly a wonderful thing, I can't remember when I haven't felt pain before....The doctors are amazed, I'm Amazed... I'm so glad I went through with it, I really had my doubts though, I will be honest....because of a prior failed back surgery, but this time I had an awesome Nero-surgeon that took his time and made sure it come out right...
Thats good to hear.
time for a update on my auto plants in my grow tent with my prism lighting science 315w cmh light in super soil and my single photo plant in my closet grow under a prism lighting science 315w cmh light in super soil

well I decided to chop anther one of my autos today this time it was the sweet seeds - cream mandarin xl auto (harvest gold silica added) in day [HASHTAG]#76[/HASHTAG] from sprout when it was chopped

I did just like my last auto I chopped down last week I just chopped at the base and hung it in my closet to dry and I took down the plant that I had hanging to dry and trimmed and jarred it it had been drying for 8 days and was pretty dry

I got two autos left in the tent both of the plants that had the harvest gold silica added to the soil have been chopped and one photo plant in my closet grow

my photo plant is still doing its thing

all my plants just got watered with plain water today

1x Synergy Automatic Genetics - power punch auto in day [HASHTAG]#76[/HASHTAG] from sprout

1x Mephisto genetics - chem city blues in day [HASHTAG]#66[/HASHTAG]

1x dinafem - critical + 2.0 photo in day [HASHTAG]#44[/HASHTAG] of flower

well I had a lot of stuff going on today good and bad

first I watered my last two plants they both got plain water

well I fucked up and somehow and accidentally switched my grow light timer on my photo plant grow to be on 24/7 not sure how long it was on for.

it could have be just a extra 12 hours to 72 hours that it was on 24/7 light I have no way of knowing either way I caught my mistake and switched it back to 12/12.

last I decided to chop another one of my auto plants I hung it in the closet with the plant I chopped yesterday I am luck to there was barley enough space to hang it but it worked out

since I only had one auto plant left in my grow tent I moved my last auto to the closet with my photo plant to finish out under 12/12 I did not want to run the light in the tent for just one auto plant it seamed like a waste of electricity since my bill is already high

so now my grow tent is empty and turned off so tomorrow I will clean it out and figure out whats next

It’s alive!! At long last I have something growing. It’s a Pyramid seeds Tutankhamen. It’s looking great. This is the second start for me with theCMH light. The plant is squat like the last one. Don’t want to move the light too far away but I want some stretch as well. It’s in a 5 gal felt pot with NFTG # 4 soil and the full line of nutrients as well as standard benes and some tea. Woo hoo back in the saddle again. Pics to follow.