Indoor Prez2.0 winter grow show

Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
The line-up as voted on by AFN users.
7 varieties, 8 total seeds started.
2 purple Sirius kush
1 sweet seeds green poison
1 sweet seeds sweet special
1 sweet seeds cream caramel
1 sweet seeds cream mandarins
1 orange diesel created by Mitch at mephestio
1 auto sweet tooth of unknown origin from a trade
All begin a soak in distilled water tonight
Then into peat pucks on heating mat before final pots

Everything will be grown in a mix of ffof with some peat and perlite mixed in with some m3 soil just cuz had bit left.
To be grown in a tent and cabinet with led and cfl lights.
Ive got a blackstar chrome 4 spot and a clw 200w plus an old blackstar 240 and an led spotlight
Half tempted to put this in sweet seeds thread cuz if all their goodies in here
Good luck bro! Loving all those sweets! There's gonna be one hell of an aroma in your garden!
Yep new charcoal filter on my list... One getting too old
:dance2::woohoo:"Bailers Booya"....that's my kinda line-up Prez! I really like the sound of that OD,... very enticing -:drool:.... Hazzah! and lottsa good grow :goodluck::karma Cloud::goodluck: for this grow, brudda! :Cheers:
Nice lineup brother :d5: Now lets get Astronomy in here and we have the original gang minus BSeals. :pighug: Sending green karma :Grow & Show..: Much love my brother :Sharing One:
Yep astro and rebel seem to be missing og's to our Lil reunion. Thanks all for stopping in
All seeds sunk in their distilled water shot glasses
By this morning except one purple sirius kush. When I get home from work they'll all go into peat pucks in humidity dome and heat mat
prepped for surgery

Seeds into peat pucks and sitting on heat mat. Nearly every seed had just slightly split open hope to have heads popping up soon. IMG_20141116_234647.jpg