Outdoor Pre-Grow Intro


May 16, 2016
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Before I end up jumping over to the live grow journal sub-forum here is a brief overview..

I'm a soon to be new grower for personal application. After a month of researching I recently pulled the trigger and decided to pursue my first grow. (Outdoor)

After careful consideration, I decided to order some seeds from a reputable source, acquire some Smart Pots in sizes 2,3,5,7lb, pick up some Fox Farms Ocean Forest, some Happy Frog soil, Perlite, Earthworm castings, Vermiculite, a digital pH meter, pH up/down, etc..

Here is a list of the auto-flower seeds I am expecting:

Super Lemon Haze - Green House
Lemon OG - Nirvana Seeds
Purple Amnesia - Short Stuff
Purple Cheese - Auto Seeds
Purple - Pyramid Seeds
Dark Purple - Delicious Seeds
Purple Kush - Buddha Seeds
Berry Ryder - Auto Seeds
Blue Kush - Dinafem Seeds
Blue Dream - HSO
Sour Diesel - HSO
Pineapple Express - G13 Labs

Feminized Freebies:

Blue Dream - HSO
Critical Cheese - Dinafem Seeds
ChocoLopez - BlimBurn Seeds
Pineapple Chunk - Barney's Farm
Amnesia Lemon - Barney's Farm

I had already made the notion in my head that I would do my first grow outdoors using both auto-flowering and feminized seeds. I will be growing 6 auto-flowering plants (4 in Smart Pots and 2 in the Earth and then a single feminized plant in the Earth.

The strains I chose are:

Super Lemon Haze
Blue Dream
Sour Diesel
Blue Kush
Purple Kush
Purple Cheese
Pineapple Chunk

I plan on doing a 50/50 mix of Fox Farm's Ocean Forest and Happy Frog with 25% Perlite and then adding Vermiculite and Earthworm Castings to the mix.

I'm still learning about nutes and such so I haven't pulled the trigger on which to buy. Too many opinions so I am taking the time to do some research myself.

I'll keep everyone posted during the grow with plenty of quality pot porn! Stay tuned.
Before I end up jumping over to the live grow journal sub-forum here is a brief overview..

I'm a soon to be new grower for personal application. After a month of researching I recently pulled the trigger and decided to pursue my first grow. (Outdoor)

After careful consideration, I decided to order some seeds from a reputable source, acquire some Smart Pots in sizes 2,3,5,7lb, pick up some Fox Farms Ocean Forest, some Happy Frog soil, Perlite, Earthworm castings, Vermiculite, a digital pH meter, pH up/down, etc..

Here is a list of the auto-flower seeds I am expecting:

Super Lemon Haze - Green House
Lemon OG - Nirvana Seeds
Purple Amnesia - Short Stuff
Purple Cheese - Auto Seeds
Purple - Pyramid Seeds
Dark Purple - Delicious Seeds
Purple Kush - Buddha Seeds
Berry Ryder - Auto Seeds
Blue Kush - Dinafem Seeds
Blue Dream - HSO
Sour Diesel - HSO
Pineapple Express - G13 Labs

Feminized Freebies:

Blue Dream - HSO
Critical Cheese - Dinafem Seeds
ChocoLopez - BlimBurn Seeds
Pineapple Chunk - Barney's Farm
Amnesia Lemon - Barney's Farm

I had already made the notion in my head that I would do my first grow outdoors using both auto-flowering and feminized seeds. I will be growing 6 auto-flowering plants (4 in Smart Pots and 2 in the Earth and then a single feminized plant in the Earth.

The strains I chose are:

Super Lemon Haze
Blue Dream
Sour Diesel
Blue Kush
Purple Kush
Purple Cheese
Pineapple Chunk

I plan on doing a 50/50 mix of Fox Farm's Ocean Forest and Happy Frog with 25% Perlite and then adding Vermiculite and Earthworm Castings to the mix.

I'm still learning about nutes and such so I haven't pulled the trigger on which to buy. Too many opinions so I am taking the time to do some research myself.

I'll keep everyone posted during the grow with plenty of quality pot porn! Stay tuned.
good luck buddy!
:welcome: to Afn buddy and best of luck with the grow if u need to know anything about outdoor growing 912GreenSkell is ure man peace ✌ bro
Hi Dr. and welcome. Well done for taking the plunge, the rest is easy lol.
I can't fault your commitment and that's a mighty nice line up of strains, I hope they do well for you. Good luck and enjoy the ride
Awesome list of incoming man! Do you have a fairly long growing season?

Typically yes. Where I live I've seen other locals grow 6' sativas. This grow is going to be a huge experiment. Finding out how the plants react to the different grow variables I have available. Must walk before I run and although I am expecting to produce 0 product.. I know with the knowledge available I should have no issue harvesting beautiful plants. So excited I can't sleep..
Typically yes. Where I live I've seen other locals grow 6' sativas. This grow is going to be a huge experiment. Finding out how the plants react to the different grow variables I have available. Must walk before I run and although I am expecting to produce 0 product.. I know with the knowledge available I should have no issue harvesting beautiful plants. So excited I can't sleep..

OH sweet! The vast majority of sativa's cannot be grown in my area with my early winter onslaughts(all plants must be in by Oct the 15th at the latest up here at the 45th parallel). So...there is a link in my signature to a thread called training photosensitive monsters. You should find some very interesting outdoor information in there. Buddy...you will get more than zero product!! I promise you!(of course unless someone jacks all of your plants)
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You must learn how to walk before you run yes...but starting off on the correct foot on this site, wise growers will help you at least jog, right off the bat.
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OH sweet! The vast majority of sativa's cannot be grown in my area with my early winter onslaughts(all plants must be in by Oct the 15th at the latest up here at the 45th parallel). So...there is a link in my signature to a thread called training photosensitive monsters. You should find some very interesting outdoor information in there. Buddy...you will get more than zero product!! I promise you!(of course unless someone jacks all of your plants)

Thanks! I will definitely check it out. And if my memory serves me correct I am located on the 42nd parallel. Winter weather is unpredictable after October 1st. Which is why I want to attempt a photo strain outdoors and see how it reacts compared to the auto's.
Thanks! I will definitely check it out. And if my memory serves me correct I am located on the 42nd parallel. Winter weather is unpredictable after October 1st. Which is why I want to attempt a photo strain outdoors and see how it reacts compared to the auto's.

Oh excellent...similar conditions as myself. Be careful with your strains choices in that case then. Finding pure sativas that will finish in time will limit your selection quite a bit. Scour the internet and look for the strains you have incoming, as a few might have troubles finishing in time. And if your conditions are like mine which they certainly appear to be, October is a sketchy ride to be sure(my Oct weather drops like a stone on the 15th guaranteed every year, often the nasty wet cool weather starts on the 1st of Oct).