Watcher Of The Trichomes
hello today i want to feed my girls but I am afraid I am underfeeding them. Advanced nutes. SensiGrow A&B. The directions say 4ml per liter so @ a gallon thats 16ml per gallon. and 8ml a gallon would 1/2 strength. Well i just mixed up 5ml of sensigrow A and 5ml of sensigrow B after I added all the additives and some ph up it gives me a ppm of 636. All my plants are showing sex at this point, there is a few white hairs on everyone except the mazar kush because she is photo period. My question is whats a good ppm for each growing phase of an auto-flower? And also can someone confirm that whatever amount of base nutes used. That you only use half that amount for additives? THANKS