Portal run

Quick update, package from Stone today, replacement stones, and a couple stone99 V6. So all good on that front, other than a little disappointment from the batch that didn't pop. Shit happens sometimes, gotta roll with it.

Sour Starburst have all sexed now. 6 female #1,7,2,4,9 &5 males #3,8 &10.

Am up to 75% feeds, keeping the demeters at 125, calcium issues I was seeing are fading.
You are going to love S99 v6!!! The S99 v4 is also outstanding, functional, happy meds. They grow themselves and typically finish around 60 days.

Quick update, package from Stone today, replacement stones, and a couple stone99 V6. So all good on that front, other than a little disappointment from the batch that didn't pop. Shit happens sometimes, gotta roll with it.

Sour Starburst have all sexed now. 6 female #1,7,2,4,9 &5 males #3,8 &10.

Am up to 75% feeds, keeping the demeters at 125, calcium issues I was seeing are fading.View attachment 1120256
I hear those Stone99’s are good stuff :thumbsup:
You are going to love S99 v6!!! The S99 v4 is also outstanding, functional, happy meds. They grow themselves and typically finish around 60 days.

Can't wait! Am going to have to look at expanding things.

Row on the right are my GGxSS crosses next row all s. starburst. Male starburst row 3 front, then blue toof, sour stomper & grapey walter. Last row on left, s. Starburst one male in front.

So, one of my crosses will get culled, 4 of the s.starburst, and the males will get moved out. That'll get me down to 9 females. 3 s.starburst 3 GGxSS and 3 mephisto girls.
Are you cutting the bottoms out of the solo cups?

Yep, I cut 1 and put in a second, that way I open a hole, slide the outer cup off and place it in. Seems to be a little more gentle on them... at least for my hands. Also gets that first set of leaves up out of the dirt.