Dragon Meds Portal Bud Blast

Hmm, happy Halloween my good fiend. Thanks @Eyes on Fire I'll think on that. I don't have any calmag, ewc, or frass. I might try and get more into teas next year, I'm just making do with what I have. I know the biobizz bloom is nowhere the same as TLO or a proper life tea, the way you do...I wasn't planning to do much with it but a few drops. Haven't really decided though, need to sit and look at things again and mull them over when the light comes on tonight. I prob end up doing nothing, especially not today, im exhausted. I know your way of making teas and enhancing the soil life makes for great looking plants everytime, I might have to get more with the program next spring.
Thank you bro! :) yeah they are ideal to learn,especially right now. brew a fat tea hit it in half and voila ,super superbness :D LOL yeah everyone know I loath bottled feeds.certain things are alright to use here n there.but yeah if she goes another week with yellowing up she prolly just an aggressive feeder. I doubt its the soil unlike several of mine of the past several grows. I have been thoroughly testing that kind soil with various sized plants that Im already fairly familiar with and can see that stuff a mile away usually. that kind soil is rough in flower for anything aggressive. the KIS doesnt seem to do that,looks like a good system.if I had some moe bucks I would get a bag and do a cpl pots er four.

well tell me what you have on hand and maybe I can help out a little...
Well, hey, thanks for that, I do appreciate the offer to help. I really don't have anything on hand to be honest, other than a few bottles, of course I have Great White and sugars, I always add those to any drench. I do have a calcium supp from Nectar, it's like condensed milk actually. I'm not convinced they need too much to be honest...the plants are working hard sure, they might show a little def in a few places but I've yet to see any symptoms spread, just pops up a small manifestation once in a while but nothing major. I'm probably not going to do much of anything at this point, maybe one more drench, light, of the bone, carbs and mikes in a couple days...unless one of them goes off the rails on me. Just gonna watch them for now...
Day 52, and all's well :haha:

Lol. I tried to get some better pictures tonight, they look good. You can notice how I've got that 660nm spot on the right side in back, it's got the leaves on Amber in that corner looking a new shade of green.

Thanks for looking in, enjoy your weekend :toke:

Here's a few pics last night, had the Rainbow Moonstone out so I could put a spare res under and get her closer to the light. Wanted to do that last week but went out of town, didn't want to change things without being there to monitor. Anyway, got the canopies more even and some additional height for Amber. Was able to show RM from several sides. I have no idea how to rotate the pics, sorry. :shrug:

Cut wee Amber last night. Man how I hate straining my eyes on a 30x loupe, but I actually enjoyed doing this...the trichs were such lovely colors, about 10% bubblegum pink and a few scattered burgundy or maroon colored, stalk and head. Just a beautiful sight my brothers.

The scissor goo was the same lovely blackberry, wine stained color, and hit with a serious force. Straight opium flavor, musky floral. I always get jazzed when I first hit a new strain, but this definitely has a wow factor. Looking forward to the cure on this.

Remind me, what strain is Amber?

I just harvested an Anonymous plant, unknown bagseed, and the trimmed branches looked dern near identical to what you have pictured above.
Super obvious Sativa with respect to the leaves, the colas were dark dark with plenty hints of purple but after all the sugar leaves were removed the colas all look like fat purple sticks.