Hello all, the heat has gotten the best of most of us this summer and now it's time to buy an AC unit. The temps in the room where I have my tent setup is currently 80 degrees and that's with the central AC on!!! (As high as 86 in my tent with the doors open and a fan blowing) Portable AC unit here we come!! :hot:
Couple questions...
I want to filter the exhaust on my soon to be new portable AC unit because it f@cking stinks like a god damn skunk in my grow area

. So do they make an inline carbon filter that I could put in between my AC and the outside?
This is a must, I can lean out my window and knock on my neighbors window if I wanted to. Plus stealth is a priority in these parts.
So I haven't bought anything yet, so far I've looked at HD's webpage and they have a 9000 btu with a dehumidifier for like $350 with free shipping and good reviews.
Any recommendations?