Pop22's Medicinal Canna-coconut oil: How I make it


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
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Its been a while since I updated on how I make my oil for capsules and cooking. I took some new pics and here we go!

Like All i do, I try to distill things down to their simplest, usable, form. I measure the weed used but not the oil, as its will always come out very close to the same that it doesn't matter.

Today's batch of oil consists of:
15 grams of auto Ultimate bud, and 15 grams of trim. The trim was already decarbed. i placed the buds on a cookie sheet and baked at 250F for 26 minutes. I take them out of the oven and, using a fork, i crush them. this produces less fines that can get thru your filters.

decarbed bud.jpg

I place the dried material in a small, Pyrex dish. I add coconut oil ( any cooking oil or butter can be used for cooking, butter however tends to softem the capsules so its not gook for them ) until it just covers the material. I let in soak in, then add just enough to cover the plant material by 1/4" roughly. I also ad ( this is optional ) a 1/2 teaspoon of lecithin, as it makes the oil easier for your body to process is my understanding.

bud and trim pic1.jpg
cooking in oil.jpg

I place the dish in a double boiler. these dishes came with silicone covers. i cover the dish to keep water vapor from condensing in the dish.

I clip a candy thermometer to the side of the pan. I adjust the stove until i maintain a temp of 190F in the water bath.

dish and thermometer.jpg

I cook for 2 hours, stirring often, every 15 minutes or so. I've done longer cooks but I see no improvement by doing so, it seems a waste of time to cook longer.

I strain while the oil is still hot as it flows thru strainers and filters easier. I use just a permanent coffee filter most often now as I don't get a lot of fine particles by crushing the material vs grinding.

After straining, I put coffee filter scraps in a garlic press and squeeze every last drop of oil out! I probably reclaim 10% or more of the oil this way.

I then refridgerate the oil for a day or two before using it. I don't understand the mechanism at work, but it seems to me the oil is stronger after being refridgerated for a few days. Maybe I'm just high though...... LOL!

and that's all there is to it! not strong enough? cook another 15 grams of trim or bud in the oil you just made, I guarantee you it will be super potent! I dilute some of the oil by 25% for daytime capsules so that my lady or I can medicate without getting high and can function through out the day. My lady's daughter is a stoner. She tried one of our "lite" capsules and it knocked her on her ass for 8 hours!
Hey pop22, nice thread my man!
Me and my gf use almost the same method but we don't let it cook for 2 hours but only for 30 minutes or so.
We are going to make up a new batch tomorrow and we will use this thread as a guideline this time and let it cook for 2 hours.
Thanks for the info!
Make sure to stir it every 15 minutes or so. This breaks the boundary layer that builds up in the oil and increases cannabinoid extraction. Keep the temp while cooking under 200F as very little further decarboxylization takes place in 2 hours at those temps

Hey pop22, nice thread my man!
Me and my gf use almost the same method but we don't let it cook for 2 hours but only for 30 minutes or so.
We are going to make up a new batch tomorrow and we will use this thread as a guideline this time and let it cook for 2 hours.
Thanks for the info!
pressing the plant matter after it drains can recover a lot of oil that would go to waste! I use a dollar store, plastic, garlic press. I stopped using a filter in it as I press over the permanent coffee filter to catch any particles. From this batch I recovered enough for 15-20 capsules!