Nutrients Pop22 Testing Optic Foliar

All plants look good. I see no obvious signs that the spray has done anything to improve my plants, but with as healthy as mine are, I'm not surprised. I think I'd more likely to see some improvement in plants that have health issues.

They should go into flower any day now. We'll see if they show any advantage over the other then.
Update Week 6:

All plants are in full flower and looking good. F3 has some issues. She looked dry and I poured a pint of nutrient solution into the coco. Looks like ph shock. We'll see. F1 and F3 are now getting 1 spray a week. They are now also on full bloom nutes, Grow More Hawaiian Bloom 5-50-15. I added 100 ppms cal/mag then 625 ppms of nutrient for 725 ppm @ 6.25 PH.
And the ladies are getting big! Got nice size to them.

All test plants pic1 -11-13-2016.jpg
Fruit pic1 -11-13-2015.jpg
Fruit pic2 -11-13-2015.jpg
Fruit pic3 -11-13-2015.jpg
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Optic Foliar

Sprayed the ladies this morning. An observation is that the plants treated with Overgrow seem to be a lighter green in color. Other than that, I see very little difference.

This is the first time I've used bloom nutrients during flower, in the auto pots. I noticed early signs of ph issues so I tested the res and ph was 6.57. I believe someone else running Hawaiian Bud had this problem of rising ph. I mixed a new batch of nutrients, this time I used 50% Sea Grow and 50% Hawaiian Bud. I lower the ph in the solution to 6.00 and added it to the res. I waited a bit and tested the res again and ph was 6.25. Seems to be holding fairly well with the mixed nutes. ph is now 6.3. I ph to 6.1 to 6.3 through out my grows. Color came back to the leaves quickly so I caught this in time for a And THAT is why I don't like bottled nutes! Going to try a different bloom nutrient next time, but my other set of pots are going to be organic soil, to hell with all this screwing around. I've been working on a new soil mix and early results are looking good! If I can adapt it to the auto pots, then I'll have a winner. Then I can get back to: Plant, water, wait...harvest! KISS is the only way to grow! I don't know why 1/2 the people here are bugshit crazy from dealing with freaking!

Hello everybody....update end of week 2....I have been foliar feeding every other day..and with the white widows there is a difference in size.The color looks the same at this point
The Green Crack plants went into shock,i gave them some time and they look like they are coming out of it.Honestly they are pretty pathetic looking for being 11 days old..maybe they will catch up....The foliar fed plant is smaller but considering they are both doing bad its not surprising..all plants will start a feed regimen and should start taking off
Optic Foliar
Week 8

Last treatment before harvest! I figure they have 2-3 weeks left. F3 is pretty much dead, I'm chopping her as soon as my new seeds sprout, got to keep the pots filled!
F1 looks good, I think this pheno is going to finish faster than F2 and 4. Bud are medium size and very hard! In fact, all the buds on all plants are rock hard!

And the smell! Moderate odor levels and soooooo citrus! Its like an air freshener! I could grow this again just for the smell! And each plant is different in some aspects. I'm almost willing to bet that the plant that I broke the rootball on may be the harvest champ! We'll see in a couple weeks!












All plants


Plants sprayed with Overgrow appeared to be a lighter green This may or may not be the spray, as the 2 plants both seemed to have been a different phenotype.
Overall, I see no great benefit to already healthy plants. However, I did see quick improvement in F1 recovering of ph shock. Se looks the least damaged of the group.

F3 is totally my error and cannot be counted in any objective manner.

I have also been randomly spraying other plants, especially my Ducksfoot clones. I feel they may have helped shave a few days off their rooting process, usually they take a month and I'm seeing growth after only three weeks.

I'll be using Overgrown through at least another grow. Its not often a product like this interests me, most are no better than what you could make yourself. I believe this is a product top have on hand for seedlings and plants with problems. That alone makes it a product worth having!
Optic Foliar Test
Week 9, Day 2

F2 and F4 the un-treated plants are done. They went from 50% cloudy trichs to 100% in three days! I've never seen a plant finish this fast. F1, the plant treated with Overgrow still looks like she has a week or more. Very few red hairs on her yet. Buds are still swelling. For a plant with a streched structure, she's going to produce a good batch of fine bud!

I couldn't be more pleased with this grow! I made a mistake with PH and its cost me a little I'm sure, but even with that, I've ended with some fine plants! I think the sprayed plant is taking longer, and this is only opinion.., because she didn't suffer as much ph related damage is the others, thanks to the Overgrow.

I'm not one who would use a product like this much, but for a quicker recover from ph and other plant damage, I think this would be great to use. I'll be keeping some on hand for those purposes!

I may chop F2 and F4 today. I'll post if I do.

Thank you Optic Foliar, for allowing us to test your product!
