Lighting Pop22 Grows Purple Amnesia!

And we have lift off! Got a nice tail, planted her 5 minutes ago! WOOooo! I'm excited!

Purple Amnesia pic1 -10-5-2017.jpg
The new soil mix is:
3 parts black soil
1 part Lobster compost ( Coast of Maine )
1 part coco coir
1/4 cup Kellog's organic dry nutrients with chicken manure
1/4 cup dolomite lime
Worm castings: I use a bout a quart in a 3 gallon pot. You can miox it into the soil or make a layer. I fill the pots 2/3 full then a 1 quart layer of castinng, then fill with soil.

Neem seed cake: I put a couple inches of soil in the pot, then a cup of neem cake. I also top dressed the soil with a small amount.

Sorry for the questions but I'm learning as I go and really curious about some of the details of what you are doing.

Do you cook your soil recipe before using?

So your EWC is basically sandwiched between layers of soil? And the neem is too right?

And don't you germinate in the pot and soil? Or paper towel and then drop in the pot?

The new soil mix is:
3 parts black soil
1 part Lobster compost ( Coast of Maine )
1 part coco coir
1/4 cup Kellog's organic dry nutrients with chicken manure
1/4 cup dolomite lime
Worm castings: I use a bout a quart in a 3 gallon pot. You can miox it into the soil or make a layer. I fill the pots 2/3 full then a 1 quart layer of castinng, then fill with soil.

Neem seed cake: I put a couple inches of soil in the pot, then a cup of neem cake. I also top dressed the soil with a small amount.
I germinated in paper towel, I have a very high success rate doing it that way. I use starter pots and transplant also. Yes, I layered the neem and the EWC this time, but I also blended some EWC with the soil. Sometimes I cook the soil, some times not. Only when using a lot of High N such as blood meal, do I cook the soil. Most compost is already to go and I've yet to have a problems. I also use recycled soil at times, that I re-amend and let cook for 30-60 days.

My personal experience is that I grow bigger plants when I transplant from small pots to large. Transplanting success is a matter of timing. I use 1 quart size containers and pots for seedlings. when the leaves are as wide as the pot, you transplant then. the roots will have reach the bottom of the pot, but only begun circling. I've literally seen a 1/2 - 1" of growth within 8-12 hours of transplant. I've never had one stall with this method.
neem seed cake = powdered neem ?
great pic with all the tiny hairs.i normally whack my seed in dirt as soon as any kinda tiddler pops out the seedcase,think i might hold off for a bit longer now.cheers :thumbsup:
good luck n keep er lit.
I've been working planting technique and I now like a root 1-1.5" long. I plant with the head just at the soil level, almost but not quite covered.I have nice little green cotyledons in 1-2 days that way.
Neem seed cake is ground and can be powdered. Check ingredients with powdered, sometimes its bark and leaves not seed meal. Seed cake is best to use for bacterial/fungal/insect control. A nice nutrient additive also, win win!

neem seed cake = powdered neem ?
great pic with all the tiny hairs.i normally whack my seed in dirt as soon as any kinda tiddler pops out the seedcase,think i might hold off for a bit longer now.cheers :thumbsup:
good luck n keep er lit.
Seedling looks healthy but seems small for its age. We'll have to see how it goes from here. I'll raise temps in the growroom for a couple days. The visitor, A spare Blue Dragon for another grow, is doing very well under the auto cobs!

Purple Amnesia pic1 -10-10-2017.jpg
Purple Amnesia pic2 -10-10-2017.jpg