Lighting Pop22 Grows Purple Amnesia!


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
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A good friend of mine here on AFN, ( bet you can't guess ), gifted me a couple of Purple Amnesia! Wooooo! everything I hear about this strain says kickass!

And of course, I'll be using 2, Autocobs for the grow. This time, back to the good stuff, organic soil! Three gallon pot of it. Might have to scrog this girl in this small tent! Tent is 32" x 32" x60".

Seed was soaked about 16 hours, then into a paper towel. Likely will be sprouted by tomorrow. I'm going to change up my routine and plant direct to the large pot. I'm thinking that autos will flower later when started directly into a large pot vs transplants. Might be a few extra days of veg, we'll see.

Pics coming upon planting!
Tent pic waiting for

small Grow tent pic1.jpg
No, using a standard pot this run. I want to buy some 2.2 gallon auto pots for this tents feel the 3.9 are too large in this small tent, and I gained 6" of height with the shorter pots, although, id I scog in here, and I may this grow, it could change my mind about future use of auto pots in here

are you not using auto pot system at all this grow?
And of course, I'll be using 2, Autocobs for the grow. This time, back to the good stuff, organic soil! Three gallon pot of it. Might have to scrog this girl in this small tent! Tent is 32" x 32" x60".
Looking at your tent I was wondering if you were going to use both cobs for the duration. I just finished a test of 2 cobs (no reflectors) over three 3 gallon smart pots. That worked fairly well, but now I want to test 2 cobs (with reflectors) over one plant. I'll do that for two single plants. cobs are fun as well as showing impressive results.
This grow will be two cobs, one plant and maybe I'll scrog her, looking to see what kind of yeild I can get in this space. Saw on another forum a guy pulled 200 grams from this same size tent!

Looking at your tent I was wondering if you were going to use both cobs for the duration. I just finished a test of 2 cobs (no reflectors) over three 3 gallon smart pots. That worked fairly well, but now I want to test 2 cobs (with reflectors) over one plant. I'll do that for two single plants. cobs are fun as well as showing impressive results.