Point me in the right direction plz


Back in the game.
Cultivators Club
Aug 20, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Seedstockers Gelato 41
Problem: yellowing and browning on leaves

Medium/grow method: canna coco clay balls 60/40

Feed: and supplements used: cx horticulture

water source: tap water 0.04ec soft water

Strain/age: dutch passion euforia 6th week day 5.

light used: spider farmer sf2000

Climate: 23-25 deg day 20 night humidity between 46%and 55%

Additional info: feeding at 6.0ph 1.0ec

Pic of nutes and labels last pic is the ultimate indoor for coco list, nothing on bottle and found that online.

Thank you forlooking and taking the time and sharing your knowledge!!
to get your best reply waira will ask you ec your putting into to your plant and to test your run off as with growing if you have issues its like detective work also do you feed your plants to run off
I am putting in ec of 1.0ec and it comes out about 100-150ppm (truncheon) lower about 0.1-0.2 ec less. Last watering was ppm 720 came out at 630ppm. I think just over 1.0ec out at 0.9ec.
Run off everytime about 15-20%
Thank you @St. Tom.
Thank you infirmary people for looking and the input.
I am putting in ec of 1.0ec and it comes out about 100-150ppm (truncheon) lower about 0.1-0.2 ec less. Last watering was ppm 720 came out at 630ppm. I think just over 1.0ec out at 0.9ec.
Run off everytime about 15-20%
Thank you @St. Tom.
Thank you infirmary people for looking and the input.
see that's what he will ask you also @Mañ'O'Green will be online soon and he's very clued up bro
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Reactions: EP3


    Points: 10
    Appreciate your help and quick response. Also, for your top notch growing.
@EP3 I do not see a major problem in the picture you posted. Perhaps we need to see more pictures taken in regular daylight -turn off the grow lights.

Whenever you choose to mix and match nutrient vendors you are playing nutrient roulette. Most vendors do not list everything in their products (they are not required to do so by law) They want to keep the Secret Sauce to them selves. This makes it easy to get too much of something causing lock outs.

All nutrients need to be present in a fertigation (water with nutrients) in balance. If you fertigate with a single or couple of nutrients alone that is the definition of out of balance. You are washing away the balanced nutrients and presenting only the P-K to the roots. For example P-K booster fertigated alone. Too much K locks out K, Mg, Too much PO4 locks out Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu


Now lets look at how you do it right.

This chart is not in EC it is in weight. It demonstrates the Elemental weights to keep a nutrient solution in balance.

Nutrient Guide.jpg


This represents a 6-1-4 NPK ratio to start with but we will use the numbers for demonstration. All of the weights above are expressed as a percentage of 1 liter of water. A liter weighs 1000 grams. The math will not be exact but close enough for what we are doing here. 1 ltr =1,000g *6.31% = N =63.1mg/l, P = 9.5 mg/l and K = 38.5 mg/l
Lets double the strength N = 126.2 P= 19.0 K = 77.0
ok triple N =189.3 P = 28.5 K = 115.5
4x strength N = 252.4 P = 38.0 K = 154.0 This line shows the balance in relation to the common solutions chart.
5x strength N = 315.5 P = 47.5 K = 192.0

Our Target shown in the common solutions chart is N 100-250 P 30-50 K 100-300 according to the common solutions chart as you can see by line 4x there is a balance in the ultimate for coco.

Now we want to do a PK boost to start flowering but we do not want the solution to get out of balance. Using line 4x we can add 12mg/l of P + 38 from the base nutrient = 50 and 146 mg/l of K + 154 from the base = 300 and still be in balance. So to use the base nutrient at regular strength You can add (12/4) 4mg/l Phosphorus and (146/4) 36.5mg/l of Potassium and your nutrients are in balance. This math applies to all of the elements not just NPK.

Does all of this seem too complicated. :shrug: Now you may understand why I reccommend people to use a single vendor for their nutrients and use the vendor's charts. They do all of this math and they know everything that is in their products including the Secret Sauce :rofl:
So drop the canna stuff and use only the cx for my watering. I will get better pics when I am in next. Later tonight. Thank you for the input. :worship: :thanks:
Man I wish I had half the knowledge!! Live and learn I suppose.
Better pics with light off and phone flash only. This is the kind of symptoms I am looking at. Could it be bleaching off my light?
@Mañ'O'Green I follow it but dont really understand. I wateted today and the outcoming ex was about 0.3 ec lower than what went in. This must mean that it is taking up nutrients? Does it mean I should up the ec or??
Thank you.
@Mañ'O'Green I follow it but dont really understand. I wateted today and the outcoming ex was about 0.3 ec lower than what went in. This must mean that it is taking up nutrients? Does it mean I should up the ec or??
Thank you.
I do not use run-off as an indicator for anything. Simply feed your plants balanced nutrients for the stage of maturity they are in. You had an imbalance and a lock-out most likely from too much of something. Just feed the schedule at 60% to 15% run-off every day.