New Grower Day 58 - Yellowing upper/large fan leaves on purple stilton auto

Thanks for the advice, I think she is still sick, lost most of my large fan leaves and can see issues on some smaller fans.

Can you advise on a 'mild' feed mix?

This is what I was using when this problem started ...

Feed: and supplements used:
- 25ml canna A+B (32ml / 4ml per lt recommended on bottle)
- 20ml cannazym (25ml per 10 lt as per bottle)
- 5ml regen-a-root (cx horticulture) - (8ml / 1ml per lt recommended on bottle)
- 5ml mighty bloom (cx horticulture) - (8ml / 1ml per lt recommended on bottle)
- 5ml head masta (cx horticulture) - (8ml / 1ml per lt recommended on bottle)

- EC 1.7 (calibrated)
- PH 6.0 (calibrated)

I also have calmag now and in my current mix I added 1ml per 1 litre which increased my EC by 0.3

Any help much appreciated.
Mild, as in about 1/4 strength, just enough to not strip out the coco,...
Are you using the Canna coco nutes, or regular? If reg., stay on the Ca-Mg all through...
... yup, it was ion loaded enough to start causing lockouts, toxicity,... Based on 1.0EC = 500ppm, that was 1200ppm soaking in there! :hothot:
...looks sorted now :thumbsup: ..stay the course on this and finish her best you can! Meantime, read that section on coco... done by hand it's a lot of labor for not much return until you master it..
Thanks. Learnt loads already on this first grow ... already planning the next to see if I can do it a bit better :)

This is actually for my wife who suffers with chronic pain so 90% of it will be made into oil\edibles. Do I want the trichomes to be amber for the best pain relief? If so, when do I start to flush ... do I wait for them to go milky ... or do I wait for them to start turning amber? Is there a risk I can leave it too late and ruin anything?
Quick update ...

Just ran another 3 litres of 0.8 EC through with approx 750ml run off @ 1.5 EC and 6.2 PH.

She is definitely looking better 'i think' ... and in the past couple of days the smell has become quite strong which I hope is also a positive sign!
Thanks. Learnt loads already on this first grow ... already planning the next to see if I can do it a bit better :)

This is actually for my wife who suffers with chronic pain so 90% of it will be made into oil\edibles. Do I want the trichomes to be amber for the best pain relief? If so, when do I start to flush ... do I wait for them to go milky ... or do I wait for them to start turning amber? Is there a risk I can leave it too late and ruin anything?
No, it's CBD you want to get into the program! THC and CBD work synergistically, better than either alone is the general consensus,... the ratio is what needs tinkering. CBD oil can be ordered 50 state legal if you're in the USA,...
Ambering comes from THC degrading into CBN, cannabinol... mild psychoactivity, rather narcotic/sleepy... "stones" you vs. being "high".... read up in the Harvest and Cure section here, New Growers too may have other threads/info...
Basically, clear = immature trich's; cloudy/milky = prime ripeness; amber = past prime, degrading into CBN... gte at least a 10x magnifier, 15-20x is better to assess the trich's on several buds over the plant; look at calyxes, not sugar leaves, they turn sooner than the bud... New calyxes/white haired will always be around during prime harvest window, so don't go by them on a bud,...
Next grow, look into the many fine CBD auto crossed offered by the breeders here... Sweet, Dinafem, HSO, SeedStockers/DutchPassion for starters,...
I grew the Sweet honey Peach CBD (about 1:1-1:2 ratio) last year, and it's excellent across the board, aromatics especially!
Thanks again. I'm not based in the USA but we already get CBD capsules which actually work really well.

I have a 30x/60x and just checked and they still look clear to me although some of the calyx hairs are orange in colour (most are white). I might invest in a better microscope actually so I can take pics on them.

What is the flushing procedure you use once they are milky?
Hi Guys,

I'm on day 79 and still not real sign on milky trichs on the calyxes. Is this normal for an auto? She still seems to be growing from what i can tell (about 1m diameter now) ...


The main cola is on the right out of shot. Still been having some issues with feed but I'm learning! ... run off today is 1.5 EC.
:smoking: I suspect it's the lights, in part at least... what exactly are these? ... get me better pics showing the buds, closer, normal light, with flash, I can't see any details above...
Start dialing back you nutes now, demand is dropping,....
The lights on the pic are 20w CFL's ... but there is also a 250w HPS next to it.

Pics below :) ...




with flash on ...

4 with flash on.jpg
:drool: Looking good sunshine! :D Gz on the grow!

I'd say from looking at the last photo, it's ready to take anytime between now and next week for cloudy trichs. If you're looking to "flush" in coco, i'd recommend doing at least a 7 day "cleanse" ... this simply involves water ... Un PH'd... Un nuted ... un perverted .. water! :D .. you can do it for longer if you like.

Water it every couple of days to trickle of run off ... Is what i'd do! :D IMO this will enhance the true flavour of your buds. Take away that metaliccy kinda crappy hay taste that i suffered so many times before "cleansing".

I was surprized that nobody was banding a Phosphorus Def (most likely caused by PH lock out) for the yellow leaf ... (this is where i recieve a lesson in mobility ^_^). But you did the right thing to correct the medium before trying to correct the plant.

A good way to avoid such issues with coco would be as wairaboo said, to water to a little run off every time (pain in the ass ... but y'know, can solve these problems before they arise)

Lastly for the cherry on the icing on the cake ... I'd recommend a PK booster to fatten and firm up those buds. A little less of the A&B (base nutes), and during that window when the buds are forming on the stem, but not quite joined, is the time to start a PK addition. (my favourite for coco was Dutch Pro explode (in conjuction with canna boost) ..pricey! but good)

I don't recommend using plain water (for coco) at all until you've decided to cleanse/finish the plant - for the simple reason it will effect the cocos EC buffering if your water has an EC of less than 0.8 (according to the canna coco infopages, specific to canna coco) .

Hope this helps and hasn't confused ^_^ ..

Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it.

I have a new 'improved' setup for the next grow including a larger tent. I'm going to put the pot on a raised grill with a tray I can slide in and out to catch the run off every single time I feed\water. That seems to have been my biggest issue throughout this grow. I 'might' try 20\4 too as this grow has been 24\0 all the way through.