New Grower Day 58 - Yellowing upper/large fan leaves on purple stilton auto

Ok good deal. Hopefully your back on track now
Quick update ...

Reduced my feed\mix down to EC 1.4 and added 8ml of canna calmag which brought it back up to EC 1.7. PH 6.0.

Gave her 500ml from the top and 500ml via the bottom.

Temp 24 deg, Humidity 44.
Glad to see things working out. However, do consider revising your feed amount or include plain water days. Otherwise its gonna happen again.
Thanks, yeah I didn't know about alternating feeds with plain water. Will do feed\feed\water going forward and see how that works out.

Fingers crossed she will be ok as most of the larger fan leaves have been affected.
:toke:- this is all coco, pellets aside? If so, running like it's a true soil is the main problem here. Coco cna't be treated like soil it's totally different on many levels, in fact, it's really a type of hydro' medium... Because of it's odd CEC properties (cation exchange capacity), there are a lot of do's and don't's! In the coco section here, there's a link to a good info source about coco use... Since it breaths so well, it can be watered often (analogous to flood/drain of hydro), but the caveat is you need to get 15-20+% run-off each time... monitor pH and ppm going in, and out; this is how you assess the pH and the salt build-up levels in-pot... Coco is a major Ca (and Mg_) hog, it need a type of buffering to saturate the particles with these ions to get proper give & take action, otherwise it binds them up and keeps it from the roots.... straight water can screw the CEC buffering up, and will need "resetting" using the right solution...
...I suspect there's been a salt build-up in there, now flushed, that may be reduced, but the Ca-Mg buffering may be off,...
... next feeding you should make a mild feed solution, take pH and ppm going in, and coming out... collect run-off in something clean, never dirty, this will skew results... let us know what you get and we'll go from there,.. meantime, read up on coco growing- :thumbsup:
Thanks for the advice, I think she is still sick, lost most of my large fan leaves and can see issues on some smaller fans.

Can you advise on a 'mild' feed mix?

This is what I was using when this problem started ...

Feed: and supplements used:
- 25ml canna A+B (32ml / 4ml per lt recommended on bottle)
- 20ml cannazym (25ml per 10 lt as per bottle)
- 5ml regen-a-root (cx horticulture) - (8ml / 1ml per lt recommended on bottle)
- 5ml mighty bloom (cx horticulture) - (8ml / 1ml per lt recommended on bottle)
- 5ml head masta (cx horticulture) - (8ml / 1ml per lt recommended on bottle)

- EC 1.7 (calibrated)
- PH 6.0 (calibrated)

I also have calmag now and in my current mix I added 1ml per 1 litre which increased my EC by 0.3

Any help much appreciated.
Thanks for the advice, I think she is still sick, lost most of my large fan leaves and can see issues on some smaller fans.

Can you advise on a 'mild' feed mix?

This is what I was using when this problem started ...

Feed: and supplements used:
- 25ml canna A+B (32ml / 4ml per lt recommended on bottle)
- 20ml cannazym (25ml per 10 lt as per bottle)
- 5ml regen-a-root (cx horticulture) - (8ml / 1ml per lt recommended on bottle)
- 5ml mighty bloom (cx horticulture) - (8ml / 1ml per lt recommended on bottle)
- 5ml head masta (cx horticulture) - (8ml / 1ml per lt recommended on bottle)

- EC 1.7 (calibrated)
- PH 6.0 (calibrated)

I also have calmag now and in my current mix I added 1ml per 1 litre which increased my EC by 0.3

Any help much appreciated.
I think the general advice is to cut bottle recommended amounts by half for photos. For autos, some go 1/4 or even 1/8. So you should at least go 1/8th for a mild feed. Maybe even 1/10th. You have obviously been feeding too much. Obvious lockout like I mentioned before. PH for straight coco/hydro should be around 5.5 to 6.2 so u should water in that range too.
Thanks for the advice. I'm running 24/7 for ease more than anything because of the temps. If I drop to 20/4, temps will drop to approx 16-18 deg. Not sure if that is ok?
I am running 20-4 it's best to keep the 4 hour "night" temp to 18c or higher. 15c and lower could kill them. You save a lot of electric with 4 hours of dark and the plants get a rest to recover their turpenes. You could always get an inkbird for £30 and rig that to a heater. That's what I did. You will still be saving electric. You could set parameters on Inkbird to 18c-19c so the heater wont have to do much work especially if you have your 4 hours 1030 to 1430 as I do.
Thanks for the advice, I think she is still sick, lost most of my large fan leaves and can see issues on some smaller fans.

Can you advise on a 'mild' feed mix?

This is what I was using when this problem started ...

Feed: and supplements used:
- 25ml canna A+B (32ml / 4ml per lt recommended on bottle)
- 20ml cannazym (25ml per 10 lt as per bottle)
- 5ml regen-a-root (cx horticulture) - (8ml / 1ml per lt recommended on bottle)
- 5ml mighty bloom (cx horticulture) - (8ml / 1ml per lt recommended on bottle)
- 5ml head masta (cx horticulture) - (8ml / 1ml per lt recommended on bottle)

- EC 1.7 (calibrated)
- PH 6.0 (calibrated)

I also have calmag now and in my current mix I added 1ml per 1 litre which increased my EC by 0.3

Any help much appreciated.
I dont use anything other than Dutch Pro Veg and then BLoom nutes, I use the full amount it says on the bottle on every feed. I will then flush at the end.
Quick update ...

Just flushed her again with 2 litres @ EC 0.8. Initial run off was EC 2.4, PH 6.2

Flushed another 1 litre through - EC 2.0, PH 6.2

Flushed another 1 litre through - EC 1.6, PH 6.2

Does this sound ok? Anything else I should do at this stage?

Thanks again