Please tell me it's not a seed forming...

A quarter would sometimes have 25 or 30 seeds in it. It is funny how things have changed.
Yeah, a friend found a couple seeds in her "medical" grade from dispo she is gonna give me.... Stoked to see if they will grow something nice but will definately be on the lookout for hermie.
Back in the day seedy bags was all we got and it smoked just fine.

Yep it was all pretty well much seeded back in day. I even had white widow from the Dam that I would find a fair few seeds in.
I still hear of Home growers in my area that just let them seed them selves. There's always some bullshit hippy dippy reason for it.
Yeah...fully expect a few seeds in my tent girls this round since I'm doing a seed run on back porch...even with spritzing myself, hitting the shower and changing before I go into my bedroom...but you work with what you got....might be an interesting cross of Golden Ticket and Sour Stomper or 3BOG.
The fact you only have a couple of seeds forming indicates to me that the amount of pollen that pollinated your girls was rather small, A hermied plant in a tent with fans blowing the pollen around would be full of seeds. A couple of seeds shouldn't affect the plant too bad, and it wouldn't hurt to remove them imho.
Unfortunately it turns out that there are more than just a couple. Oh well, I'll finish these off as best I can, and hope that the next round is seed free!
I’m on my first grow and always assumed when I spotted a seed I’d immediately ditch the plant to keep pollen from spreading and contaminating my tent and room and other plants. Is this an overreaction?
Still better the the shit swag i smoke in high school 20 years ago. that had million crushed seeds in. it take an hour to pick all the shit out of 1/4. Lol by the time you got them out you had an 1/8 th left.
I was just telling my kids yesterday how useful double album covers were for sifting seeds haha they were the best
I had a sour stomper herm a while back. I found a pollen sack too late and it ended up creating about 20 seeds in the sour stomper, 200 or so seeds in the neighboring super lemon haze and one immature seed in the 3 Bears OG. Weirdly, in that grow, I found quite a few pollen sacks on the lower nodes around day 17 or so. I was surprised that they popped up so early, so the first one popped before I found it. They popped up about 2 days later on a neighboring 3 Bears OG, but I was able to pop them off. More showed up on the sour stomper around day 23. What surprised me was how they’d literally pop out of a node within hours. That grow was an amazing producer. Probably about 4.5 oz each of 3 Bears, Sour Stomper and super lemon haze. I’m glad I stuck it out.