I had a sour stomper herm a while back. I found a pollen sack too late and it ended up creating about 20 seeds in the sour stomper, 200 or so seeds in the neighboring super lemon haze and one immature seed in the 3 Bears OG. Weirdly, in that grow, I found quite a few pollen sacks on the lower nodes around day 17 or so. I was surprised that they popped up so early, so the first one popped before I found it. They popped up about 2 days later on a neighboring 3 Bears OG, but I was able to pop them off. More showed up on the sour stomper around day 23. What surprised me was how they’d literally pop out of a node within hours. That grow was an amazing producer. Probably about 4.5 oz each of 3 Bears, Sour Stomper and super lemon haze. I’m glad I stuck it out.