Photoperiod Photoperiod Summer 2020

I am running week 9 nutrients now. It is actually been 8 weeks and 2 days since true leaf. I had to skip week 7 on the proposed chart to keep the nutrients in line with the stage I believed the plants were in. So far so good.

ScreenHunter_300 Sep. 24 22.35.jpg
Wow O Wow! Getting thick now too, not just tall ladies.
And that's a lot of pistils, still building there a lot, can't see any dying off yet.
Thought I saw the purple calyxes in that first shot, and then confirmed in the close up below.
Is that the Red Panama? Not just pink pistils, huh?
That middle cola is going to be the pride of the tent!
And all looking the picture of perfect health, too, with those lovely greens.
Surely the stretch must have finished, are they really going to hit the lights?
Ace Seeds will be hitting you up for photos once you're done here!!
Wow O Wow! Getting thick now too, not just tall ladies.
And that's a lot of pistils, still building there a lot, can't see any dying off yet.
Thought I saw the purple calyxes in that first shot, and then confirmed in the close up below.
Is that the Red Panama? Not just pink pistils, huh?
That middle cola is going to be the pride of the tent!
And all looking the picture of perfect health, too, with those lovely greens.
Surely the stretch must have finished, are they really going to hit the lights?
Ace Seeds will be hitting you up for photos once you're done here!!
Thanks SM. The purple is on the Pineapple Poison. The Panamas have all been laid over otherwise their colas would have been much longer than the PP. They are supposed to have 4 to 9 weeks still to go. I don't think so but we shall see.
Has that big fan leaf in the center of the photo, slightly below middle, got those double layer leaflets?
That is going to be one impressive cola!
I just had an aha moment. The foliar kelp application that was intended to break the apical dominance on the plants seems to have worked better on the plants that were a week younger than the others? So I should have sprayed at 2 nodes? Stoned moment! :rofl: Went back and looked at them.