Did you know that you can actually make your body more
beautiful, simply by becoming more �
alkaline�? Your body has a delicate
pH balancing system in which it works to keep
equilibrium & stop your body fluids from becoming more �
acid� or if needed, too alkaline. I�m going to focus on the alkalising bit in this article as we very rarely get �too alkaline� in our modern day, fast paced, un-natural lives!
Think of it this way�

ALKALINE = Improved health, extra energy, enhanced beauty, toned & more supple body, glowing skin, sparkling eyes, lustrous hair, high libido, healthy nails, faster wound/injury healing, flexibility, strengthened immunity, feeling of lightness & balance within the body, mood enhancing/positive mind.
ACID = Lethargy, sickness prone, cellulite, bad breath, slow healing, sagging skin, bloodshot eyes, dark circles, falling hair, acne, dandruff, low libido, tight muscles, painful joints, aches/pains, headaches, brittle nails, feeling of heaviness, clumsiness, depression/negative mind.
Without going into extensive scientific details here on
pH know (Antoniette HELP! lol)� I�m pretty sure the term �pH� refers to the alkalinity or acidity of water solutions. Ie: your blood & body fluids, but can refer to the watery + mineral content of anything from soil to water to plants etc. There are wonderful books, charts & informative material on the web you can discover to educate yourself on saliva & urinary pH testing, which can be a highly beneficial monitoring system. This said I usually gauge my �alkalinity� by the way I feel!
THINGS WHICH PROMOTE ALKALINITY = Raw foods especially vegetables & green foods, spring water, almost all fruits,
raw milks &
cheeses, cultured foods such as sauerkraut (recipe to come!),
kombucha & others. Lightly cooked vege�s & broths. Freshly pressed fruit & vegetable juices,
wheatgrass juice, green drinks &
smoothies. Fatty fish. Almonds. Sufficient rest. Yoga. Moderation. Light stress free exercise which is enjoyable. Sunlight, hydrotherapy & fresh country air. The sea. Love, laughter & peace of mind.
Of course, there are more but these are some of the big ones you want to make sure you�re doing or not doing!
THINGS WITH CONTRIBUTE TO ACIDITY = Denatured foods such as white sugar, white breads/biscuits/pastries, red meats, soft drinks, smoking, late nights, excessive technology, fluoridated water, overwork, city air, excessiveness, coffee/tea, antibiotics, preservatives/flavourings/colourings, dried fruits, high protein foods (even natural foods, eat moderately), high intensity exercise or labour, lack of sunlight & stress.

More ways to create an alkaline body would be to indulge in
�salt glows� (scrub moistened skin all over warm body vigorously with sea salt until pink, rinse, towel dry),
dancing in the rain,
nature walks by the sea or rainforest,
loving the dog/horse/budgie or people in your life,
deep breathing,
walking barefoot on dewy grass,
aromatherapy treatments/

Another thought. Don�t you find it interesting to think that the foods which are most beneficial to our health/vitality & wellbeing are the foods which grow in the most abundance & require little or no preparation to enjoy? I�m meaning fruits & vegetables as opposed to meat (needing much land for grazing & spoils easily), grain/nuts/seeds (more difficult to process than fruits & vegetables) etc. Herbs grow in astonishing abundance & almost without cultivation! Herbs are something which I feel we should be consuming more of daily. Also greens, fruits of all kinds, vegetables, grasses/sprouts, & milky grains (such as fresh corn on the cob)�These foods are readily accessible & perfect alkaline nutrition. Even an avocado is rich in valuable nutrients, good fats & is beautiful in alkalinity. These are foods that promote beauty, health & wellbeing in the way we look, think & feel. They fit into our hands perfectly, our mouths & even look like our body systems, organs & sometimes even diseases (now that�s freaky!
natures food designed for humans). There�s really so much to discover on this subject of alkalising� The effects upon our bodies is immense so do look into it further if you are passionate about health & especially, healing.

Probably the best thing about alkalising is, YES, we will look more gorgeous, there�s no doubt about that whatsoever. It works, making you more beautiful with every positive choice you make. But to me, what�s even better than the other best part about alkalising, is in the way makes me
feel. AMAZING, fresh, youthful & buzzing with ideas. Every. Single. Day