PH Testing

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Just go to the ph thread in my link... read up on plant ph... see what affects it has... not hard to make a correlation to human ph from there.
Then when you study how the body workas and handles nutrients and all... it becomes really obvious.. we need to feed ourselves the correct ph nutrients.. like any other organism.. otherwise we dont function well. The less we function.. the faster the less we fucntion..

self-healing or self killing system.... you decide. :)

Link in my sign on ph manual
ok ok no more soda ....:joint:....just stop drinking coffee wife is going to kill me if dont stop with the red i got aunty in my head shaking her finger at mee..... can i make a weed burger:rolleyes:
You can try! Also just stopping by to say I broke my ph pen, as I've done with most of my other belongings... so til I get a new one in the post I'll just stick to the bs and tea regiment I had going. Alkaline or die!
Did you know that you can actually make your body more beautiful, simply by becoming more �alkaline�? Your body has a delicate pH balancing system in which it works to keep equilibrium & stop your body fluids from becoming more �acid� or if needed, too alkaline. I�m going to focus on the alkalising bit in this article as we very rarely get �too alkaline� in our modern day, fast paced, un-natural lives!
Think of it this way�

ALKALINE = Improved health, extra energy, enhanced beauty, toned & more supple body, glowing skin, sparkling eyes, lustrous hair, high libido, healthy nails, faster wound/injury healing, flexibility, strengthened immunity, feeling of lightness & balance within the body, mood enhancing/positive mind.
ACID = Lethargy, sickness prone, cellulite, bad breath, slow healing, sagging skin, bloodshot eyes, dark circles, falling hair, acne, dandruff, low libido, tight muscles, painful joints, aches/pains, headaches, brittle nails, feeling of heaviness, clumsiness, depression/negative mind.
Without going into extensive scientific details here on pH know (Antoniette HELP! lol)� I�m pretty sure the term �pH� refers to the alkalinity or acidity of water solutions. Ie: your blood & body fluids, but can refer to the watery + mineral content of anything from soil to water to plants etc. There are wonderful books, charts & informative material on the web you can discover to educate yourself on saliva & urinary pH testing, which can be a highly beneficial monitoring system. This said I usually gauge my �alkalinity� by the way I feel!
THINGS WHICH PROMOTE ALKALINITY = Raw foods especially vegetables & green foods, spring water, almost all fruits, raw milks & cheeses, cultured foods such as sauerkraut (recipe to come!), kefir, kombucha & others. Lightly cooked vege�s & broths. Freshly pressed fruit & vegetable juices, wheatgrass juice, green drinks & smoothies. Fatty fish. Almonds. Sufficient rest. Yoga. Moderation. Light stress free exercise which is enjoyable. Sunlight, hydrotherapy & fresh country air. The sea. Love, laughter & peace of mind.
Of course, there are more but these are some of the big ones you want to make sure you�re doing or not doing!
THINGS WITH CONTRIBUTE TO ACIDITY = Denatured foods such as white sugar, white breads/biscuits/pastries, red meats, soft drinks, smoking, late nights, excessive technology, fluoridated water, overwork, city air, excessiveness, coffee/tea, antibiotics, preservatives/flavourings/colourings, dried fruits, high protein foods (even natural foods, eat moderately), high intensity exercise or labour, lack of sunlight & stress.
More ways to create an alkaline body would be to indulge in �salt glows� (scrub moistened skin all over warm body vigorously with sea salt until pink, rinse, towel dry), dancing in the rain, nature walks by the sea or rainforest, loving the dog/horse/budgie or people in your life, deep breathing, walking barefoot on dewy grass, aromatherapy treatments/massage.

Another thought. Don�t you find it interesting to think that the foods which are most beneficial to our health/vitality & wellbeing are the foods which grow in the most abundance & require little or no preparation to enjoy? I�m meaning fruits & vegetables as opposed to meat (needing much land for grazing & spoils easily), grain/nuts/seeds (more difficult to process than fruits & vegetables) etc. Herbs grow in astonishing abundance & almost without cultivation! Herbs are something which I feel we should be consuming more of daily. Also greens, fruits of all kinds, vegetables, grasses/sprouts, & milky grains (such as fresh corn on the cob)�These foods are readily accessible & perfect alkaline nutrition. Even an avocado is rich in valuable nutrients, good fats & is beautiful in alkalinity. These are foods that promote beauty, health & wellbeing in the way we look, think & feel. They fit into our hands perfectly, our mouths & even look like our body systems, organs & sometimes even diseases (now that�s freaky! natures food designed for humans). There�s really so much to discover on this subject of alkalising� The effects upon our bodies is immense so do look into it further if you are passionate about health & especially, healing.
Probably the best thing about alkalising is, YES, we will look more gorgeous, there�s no doubt about that whatsoever. It works, making you more beautiful with every positive choice you make. But to me, what�s even better than the other best part about alkalising, is in the way makes me feel. AMAZING, fresh, youthful & buzzing with ideas. Every. Single. Day

Thought you would like This has bikini babes in..:smokebuds:..makes it Easier to understand..
bikini spam... I'd eat that spam...:drool::shrug::cough::joint::bong::clap::thumbs::D
Ok I know you are all caught up on PH and the body but my training has not focused in holistic medicines due to the zeitgeist of medicine today.

I am trying to catch up with all this and had to share an experience. My dog just came down with a UTI... What did my vet tell me to do? Aside from anti-biotics, measure her urine ph on a regular basis due to crystals in her urine sample. In fact, I am giving her Olive leaf capsules as recommended from my vet!!

Now I need to launch into full on testing and research I will subject my body to testing in the name of science!

I swear to god I'm never going to sleep again thanks to this community.
Olive Leaf for infections

When my pets need help to boost their immune systems whether it is because of skin ailments, colds or other infections I use olive leaf. My vet turned me on to this herb and I highly recommend it.

Olive leaf works by stimulating your pet�s own protective cells (phagocytes) to ingest foreign invaders. It interferes with microorganisms� vital amino acid production processes. It has no impact on �friendly� microbes.

Olive leaf is highly effective in eliminating microorganisms, which supports its use in almost any type of infection. It is extremely effective in treating 19 different viruses and 15 types of bacteria, including conjunctivitis, canine hepatitis, �kennel cough,� cystitis, Endocarditis, peritonitis, staph infections, and urinary tract infections. Note: With very sick animals, their symptoms may become worse - because Olive leaf works so well that it kills bad microbes faster than the body can eliminate them, so detoxification symptoms may occur. If that happens, reduce dosage or stop giving Olive leaf for a day or two to allow your pet�s waste system to catch up.

When used as a daily supplement, olive leaf will bolster your pets' immune system and metabolism, making them healthier happier, and more able to resist fleas safely, naturally, and without the use of potent neurotoxins found in over the counter flea products.

Thinking of getting the dog his yearly cortisone shot? Did you know that cortisone is a powerful steroid that has many bad effects on the body and overall health? Our pets, dogs in particular, use their skin to remove excess toxins from their system. Because of this, the yearly itching and scratching that accompanies spring allergens is much the same as seasonal colds in humans. The effect of the steroids is merely to push the issue out of sight by driving the toxins deeper into the body. Would you take a steroid shot to treat a cold yourself? Olive leaf can work wonders in easing these annoying symptoms without resorting to heavy handed methods that can manifest into larger problems down the road. Olive leaf dramatically increases the function of the immune system, as well as acting as a natural antibiotic to allow your pets to deal with allergies in a safe, natural and effective manner. No side effects, and no danger of damage to internal organs. Simply add Olive Leaf Powder to your pets' wet or dry food and say goodbye to annoying scratching!

Best for Pets: Try Olive Leaf Powder or open capsules to add the powder to their food. I also like to use olive leaf extract in a non alcohol base. Rule of thumb for dosing - give 1/8 to 1/4 of the human dosage, depending on the size of the dog or cat.

We are just getting Smashed to set up pet trials. It does the same for humans..:wiz:
and I just told jm..You need to check your PH too...:D