Indoor PGH x ALF#3 - Testing for JM and seed run

150-micron is what they recommend using in the book. I think if you go with 120-micron, the biggest most mature trichs won't go through it.
thanks bro!i wsasn't sure.
Great thread KindredSpirit! Sucks that I only just found it now.

May I share something good with you? This always makes me eyes get all watery cuz it's so damn awesome:

Noods, I've watched that video easily a hundred times and it has the same effect on me - it's a beautiful thing!
Huge thanks for the effort in explaining and showing all that mate - greatly appreciated.

I wish I had your MacGuyver skills!!

May your BB Hash Festivus be a great one! (and I hope theres similar for the restofus!
No worries, Bropane :smokebuds: I watched that show every day religiously for years. Knight Rider was on right after it. Ahhh.... the good ol' days.....
haha - in my youth here it was a Knight Rider / V (those lizard alien things) /A Team triple. I've still got the scar on my forehead and an alarming memory of the hospital surgery room to prove how exciting those times were!
V was an amazing show. Alien lizards disguised as people tearing their flesh off
haha - in my youth here it was a Knight Rider / V (those lizard alien things) /A Team triple. I've still got the scar on my forehead and an alarming memory of the hospital surgery room to prove how exciting those times were!

:lol: I'll have to check out V, I don't think that was on around these parts. Speaking of The A Team.... dunno if you've ever seen these. We were shown these in elementary school. I completely forgot about them until I randomly came across them on YouTube a month or so ago. I almost shat my nuts out of arse laughing.


It's worth watching the whole series... there are some real gems in there.