Indoor Petite Creme Caramel

Howdy fullauto. I thought about the sulfur, according to my research it is used to condition the alkaline soil prior to planting. Apparently, it takes time to work through the soil. Could be a miss reading on my part. Right now, I am laying low. DubV straightened me out last night. So, I put off the flush I discussed a day or so ago. I will check PH again in a couple of days. Pot is still heavy. With higher PH some macro-nutes may slip in--not the case when it goes way down. I will not be fighting soil anymore--guaranteed. Soilless next round. Thanks for dropping by.
Hiya Smiffee. Sorry about your troubles, man. Not cool. It seems like you may be getting it better, though. I have heard nothing but good things about the GO nutes. I use them so I may be biased, but I still haven't heard anything but good things. I'm thinking like you though...I ain't fuckin' with anymore more soil for my grows. Promix all the way baby. Hell, I might even start using it for all of my non-Canna grows as well. Hope it turns around for you man.
Hey Alan,

Sorry to hear about the dirt blues. sucks when something is going along well and then bam! outta nowhere and then you're stuck waiting. What about hydro? I'm hoping to have my room ready this weekend and I'm going to give DWC a spin. I just found that you have to be there to check ph and ec frequently, but it was a fun experience.
g,day mr smithee, iread the ingredients of the soil you used, good stuff! for cucumbers and lettuce:D even though it has low npk numbers, there is a lot of stuff in it, i use promix then you know exactly whit is in it! most of the stuff is good! i use most of what is in that soil, but in the quantites that are a known value, what i want. :2cents::smokebuds:put up some pics mate! get some more input! healthy plant karma coming at you!:wiz:
Thanks to all above. Fortunately, the plant started flowering early (good in this case anyway). The breeder says 8 weeks seed to harvest but I know most go 10 weeks. Coming on week seven. None of the lower leaves are loosing any N yet. Going to get a PH reading in a day or so and try to adjust for last weeks.
Good news: Ran a 1/2 R/O and 1/2 Spring Mountain water PHed at 5.75 or so and had a run-off = 6.48. Really---surprising given the high flushing run-off last Monday. Same with the NL. Now, the NL is in better esthetic condition because it received little nutes. The CC took a big hit. The cumulative affect of the nutes together with the low watering level was the problem. I simply was not providing adequate water and the nutes built up. Even though I was giving what I though was miniscule doses they, in fact, were huge considering--the unknown EC of the water (particularly the hardness), amount of soil, richness of soil and size of the plant. Really nuked the top of it and-- if not for the plants good genetics and its early flowering it might have been a big disappointment. Lessons learned--for sure. Now, looking for it to limp over the finish line and will put up some photos of a few dry buds within est. 10 to 14 days.

Lastly, the novelty NL has some wear. It has eliminated about 75% of its tacoed leaves. I think it might be photosensitive. It is full of immature 'green' buds growing ever so slowly. After the CC finishes I will switch the LED to 12/12 and see what it does. In the end, it may just be the ruderalis coming out or a genetic oddity. Thanks to all. Any input is still welcome. Take it nice and easy.
Hey Alan,

Arrived a bit late :)

Glad to know you got it under control. Surprising turn of events! It was a hard fight and you are winning so far.

Regarding pH temporary increase could have been to N nitrification in soil. Im curious, what nute are you using exactly?
Hugo: Used what is called the Go Box by General Organics. There is no expiration date or production date that I have found on the box so far. Really, I should have purchased it locally, rather than, via internet. The box and the individual bottles look a tad old. I bet if I had not used any of this product the plant would have grown out in the rich soil. You bring up a good point with N. The soil has lots of it and some fast acting and some slower--add nutes and could be a problem. Very interesting how the plant goes into survival mode. A couple of younger mid to lower branches are unaffected and are almost like a separate plant. Right now, my LED is 1/2 out. I discovered it the other day and am not sure how long it has been out. One thing after another, but at this point it doesn't make a big impact. The buds are sticky and full of trichs yet the flowers and the plant as a whole has been in as I stated-- survival mode--need I say more;). Going to cut it tonight or tomorrow and see what is going on inside the buds and later decided whether to vape or make some oil etc. Take it easy.

And thanks for all the "likes".
I don't want to leave this post incomplete. The plant was cut last Thursday about 9 weeks. Per above it was under only a little less than 1/2 of the LED. Interestingly, the lower fan leaves had expended themselves, as well as, the shocked part of the plant. However, other branches and the center cola had a second--very green--life going.

It was time--the sticky period was fading, some trichs were amber and/or cloudy , and, of course, the LED was not doing much good. Buds are firm. Some lower immature buds were discarded. Also, I found no evidence that the plant had flipped which supports the breeders good genetics. I can see that a big CC would make for some great hash.

In a couple of weeks when cured will post a couple of pics and a vape impression.

Take it nice and easy.