Indoor Petite Creme Caramel

Sounds like you're going good Smifee. Can't wait to see some more shots of the gals. Green vibes sent your way.
Preventive flush time. Upper canopy has a bleached appearance and new growth tips yellow. Old growth looks fine. May have a lock out of some sort. Going to do it in about four hours.
Flush update:

I am disappointed, but I am going to stay with the fact. The CC has taken a PH hit on the alkaline side believe it or not. It is easier to correct acidic soil and I have experience in that area. Most of the remedies to correct alkaline soil take time. Coffee ground topping or a coffee ground tea (?) may help in the short run. Other measures require amending the soil. All suggestions welcome.

I flushed and flushed and still could not get a clear flow. I had to stop, otherwise, I would destroy the plant. The soil is very rich and that maybe the problem. Both the NL and the CC had nearly the same PH readings. First flush 8.4 and last 8.0. I PHed the flush down gradually.

My regular run-off readings have been fair the next to last one was a tad over 7 and I was not too concerned. In an above entry to this thread, I comment that I got a 1/2 oz. run off at over 8 and thought it was an error. That is not the case and it is the most recent reading. I have been Phing all feeding and watering even though GO says it is not necessary (right!).

With soil and PH issues I can get away with it--for a while, yet, it always seem to catch up with me around mid-flowering. I have always blamed my water source--tap water is hard, so, I use the less hard mountain water. Now, I realize, it is a soil issue and the interaction of the nutes/watering level etc. High alkalinity is new to me. In the future, I will try a soil less medium.

The CC has a pale green appearance in some areas and the upper growth has the typical beginnings of PH issues. Cosmetic of course, it just needs to get food to the buds. The lock out is the issue right now.

Input is welcome. And I will update on the condition after 24 hours.

What kind of soil do you have? Thats the first time I heard of the ph rising in runoff,usually it drops.What is the ph of the mountain water? Get some ph down drop your intake down until the runoff drops to at least under 7.
sorry to hear about your problems alan,:( i wish i could help, but having never used a ph meter i am unable to give any advise on ph issues. but i wonder about the organic soil? you say your not getting enough runoff, did you mix some perlite or vermiculite in the soil? maybe not draining enough?
and tap water seems to be the bane of cannabis growing. i have artesien well water, it must be ok, i have never ph'd a thing. hang tight one of our ph experts should give you the answer soon.:thumbs:
namvet. The spring/mountain water runs in the mids 8's. Last night, I first flushed with a few gallons of distilled water knowing the PH was at 7 and I tested to make sure. That was my first high run-off. Next, I Ph'ed the spring water down to 5.5 or so. It seemed like I was PHing a pool it took so many drops. Same run-off reading. In fact, I dumped the water from the plate and got a sample from the last part flowing thru. I did it again and it drop to 8 in one pot and stayed the same in another. Last gallon I gave light nute Phed way down and still had same reading. Odd. Plants are still upright. What do you think. Reflush?

The soil: The Indoor/outdoor -- link is slow to load--

astronomy420. I did throw in a few hand fulls of both perlite and vericulite. Wondered if vermiculite was keeping PH up along with lime in the soil. Right, it does need more perilite. The soil is used in Cal for cannabis--probably good for big plants and longer growing season.

I wonder about the General Organic Go Box I have. It is possible one or several of the products is bad. The new one introduced is the Bio Bud - bloom booster. But, the NL has not been getting any of it just water and veg nutes a few weeks ago.

Thanks for assist.
Wish i could help Alan, unfortunately i know nothing about soil... best of luck man i'll be watching. Good karma sent your way :smokebuds:
Update: High alkalinity is fairly rare at this stage. The plant appears to be at a stand still. My theory right now is an accumulation of nutes/salts over the last month due to insufficient runoff. I am new to liqiud nutes and their strength even in low dose may be more than I anticipated, coupled, with the rich soil. I will need to flush again in a day or so. This time I will use R/O water and last gallon PH with half and half R/O and spring water. Need to get it running clear and all accumulation of nutes out. And get run off near 7 for some nute uptake for next few weeks to ripen buds. Suggestions welcome. Also, does anyone suggest topping with coffee grounds and feeding anything on last gallon--I do have Fox Trio--third cycle may be chelated.