Outdoor Peteey010's 2016 Outdoor Return To AFN

I think this is the last of catch up...
The newest plants I have are, two C+ from www.autoflor.es and one Muay Thai from the one whose name we don't speak.
I went for the C+ as I grew some of their Maxi Gom last year and was happily pleased with the results, don't ask why I started the Muay Thai I have plenty of other seeds I could have dropped but curiosity got the better of me I suppose, only time will tell if his stuff is still all wonky.
All three are at about three weeks now and the C+ have gone into pre flower so everything looks on course for now.
I'll do more updates as and when but a bit more frequently than seven months haha.
Any questions, comments or general mickey taking all greatly received, thanks for taking the time to read all this I hope it makes sense.
The Muay Thai

The C+

And finally a group shot, from front to back it's stone dragon, the two C+, the Muay Thai and lastly the cross
Shouldn't that Avatar tag be 'Serial Cannabis Abuser'...

Glad to see your brush with law hasn't dulled your enthusiasm - I expand my grow every year and the Mrs groans, one year it may all come home to roost but it's a risk worth taking for good clean medicinal weed in a country where I can just tick a form for another 100 Opiates and nobody bats an eyelid. Just wish I had a greenhouse to extend the seasons.

Good luck :smokeit:
Hey Peteey, glad you're back. Sucks you got busted but at least only a fine. Sometimes jail seems like it'd be easier than dealing with the Mrs. Lol. Nice looking garden you got going. I'll be checking in here an there.
Hey hey merry Christmas everyone.....I know I said there would be regular updates but I've been super super busy with plants and new job etc etc, no excuse I know.
We're I had a good summer, plenty of sunshine. Temps got a bit scary high at times so I had to improvise some shading along with 3 fans.
I've way too many pics to post so I think the easiest thing to do is share the online links to the albums.
I'll keep this thread for my 2017 outdoor stuff, I have some interesting stuff coming this spring/summer.
At the moment I have 2 plants indoors, a mephisto heinsburg special and something from shortstuff. I'll open a seperate journal for them either in led or indoor.
Anyway here's the links to the pics oh better tell you what I had growing, a couple of c+, sour blues, Dutch treat, cheddar kush, a big superauto Muay Thai and I worked on my cross a little, but more of that to come springtime