New Grower PC Grow- Noob

Thanks Noods, I'll be careful but with the BH I just used the water wise potting mix alone and it did seem to strong for it. The Cobra I mixed the water wise about 30% and then about 70% of the growes mix that says safe for seedlings and cuttings. The Cobra seems to like it very well and I'm only giving 1/4 strength nutes with good results so far. Her first nute feeding was around 14 days with about 8oz. You guys keep an eye on me so I don't screw up to bad :lol:
Well right before the lights went out I took the BH and but her in a dark closet. So I'll be chopping her a day early. Got to locate my scales now.The other Bh seed sank In the container of water so I moved her to the soil. Fingers crossed :peace:
The Cobra seems to like it very well and I'm only giving 1/4 strength nutes with good results so far..

This is great practice Unholyfire. You're going to gain a fine sense of intuition from this :thumbs:
Ah, found my scales :dance2: Not to long now before the chop :ama: I'm very very excited. Now i'm sure I have read about this and probably even have it bookmarked but I cant find it, but do I trim the leaves then hang or hang and then trim? :o
I prefer to trim, then hang. Don't like dealing with dry, crumbling leaves.