Thanks micro:thumbs: Well here is where i'm at- Pic #1 is my lonely little female, Pics #2,3, & 4 are my three BH sprouts, and Pics #5,6, & 7 are my males dropping pollen :dance2: I still have one seed that has not pop'd but it still looks like it has promise. My storage building is coming along nicely. Ill try to post a couple pics of it soon
Don't know what happened but i have some stunted/very slow growing sprouts plants. Well all but the males that grew to the top of my pc case. I'll go over my grow/feeding here at home. They will be fine to me big or small I'll post how old they are with pics tomorrow.
Hi friends, Here is my stunted, over watered, under watered, ph high, ph low,
to much nuts, to little nutes current grow:dance2::booya:
The 3 sprouts are 10 days from soak to puck.
Really only two things that changed is i added more perlite and removed the 2 13w cfl bulbs. The bulbs should not be a big factor because i grew some fine without them. Ph fine at 6.5. nutes same, temp same so i dont know. They are showing growth just its slow. The small female will be my seed maker(fingers crossed) Its all good though. I have lots of pollen from the 3 males and 2 more seed to go:thumbs:
On this page>>
Im using 50/50 of the 3rd and 4th kind (the water wise & professional growers mix). I keep them within a inch or two from the lights just moved then down for the pic..
Also here is a pic of the pollen i collected
I'm thinking it might be that soil. Says it's got moisture retaining capabilities and does contain nutrients, similar to most of the MG products. How long is it taking for your cups to dry out?
Thanks muddy. Just 3 to 5 days. They were taking a good 5 days the first week. With my previous grows was doing like 70/30% with the jungle growth water wise being the 30% They dried out every 3 days then. I did the 50/50 this time because I added the perlite I soaked to more seeds yesterday and added them to pucks last night. I'm going to go back to the 70/30 mix and see what happens. The soil was what i had local without driving 50 miles both ways ya know They are still trying to grow and the small female will give me some seeds. Also i soaked a female Yumbolt 47 to stick out in the sun somewhere
I have the same issue where I live. I have to drive about 40 miles to get my Pro Mix. If you've got an Ace Hardware in your area check and see what they have. Some of them are now carrying Pro Mix. I've seen too many issues with soils that contain water retention agents and slow release nutrients. You could also mix your own. I'm sure you can find sphagnum peat moss, perlite and dolomite lime locally. Order some mycohorrizal fungi off the web to add to the mix and you're set.
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