New Grower PC Grow- Noob

man that blows, too many dicks on the dance floor.. nobody likes a sausage fest, except Germans in October.
Hi friends :smokebuds:Time to try and get some chicks for all the dudes waiting in the spank lab. Just took four out of soak and placed them in some nice puffy pucks. Lid is on, heating pad set on 83f, and covered with a soft towel:D
I saved two BH and i have Four freebies i got with my last order, just in case i get brave and stick them out side. I found a awesome spot a few miles up the main hwy but after i cleared my last small opening in some mountain laurel i noticed something. As i went down to investigate my dog started acting nuts and she will set still for hours when told to "WATCH" The closer i got the place then my adrenalin started to go into turbo! First i thought is was s small sink hole. Got a little closer and was like WOW an old abandon gold mine. Then i got hit in the face with a smell that the dog had picked up on 20mins before. It was a Bear Cave!!:eek: Now i was not to shocked (almost pee my pants lol) But eased out of there very quite and slow, I have seen a bear just on the other side of town on the roadside eating something, and a few nights ago my wife and i was on the deck around 2am and we heard one on the power line right-a-way not more that 100yards away. Sounded like it was getting ready to fight or screw another bear:D So i don't know if ill be growing there or not. Well here are some pics of my germ'n process:peace:
Good to hear the cave was abandoned when your dog was on scene. I would bet we have a lot of members experienced with bear country and will have tips on how to handle your surroundings. Your up and running once again. My seedlings are coming up on two weeks. Fem seeds, hoping, I don't have to double check them :o.
cool bear story! i have one, after grilling a couple of ribeyes on the gas grille in the backyard, i forgot to lower the hood next morning look out the slider and a big black bear is licking down the grille:peace:
Lol nice astronomy. You should have closed the lid on him and fired the grill back up. A little bbq sauce and start inviting over the family rofl :D:peace:
noods, in maine bear is a delicey.... i like it cooked in a crockpot in bbq sauce!:drool:
I forgot the pic! This is the scene a few times a year at the parents' house in The Great Northeast...
Nice bros! Thanks for stopping by my friends. Yes the bear i seen across town was about 50yards from the ball fields, 20ft behind some houses and no more that 1/4mile from center of town. Now i'm no stranger to the outdoors, fishing, hunting, biking or whatever but i've lived in the city all my life. Up here in Gods country is a bit different. Few weeks back i seen s deer cross at the stoplight in front of wal-mart around 10pm lol. Had to ask everyone in the car "hey did y'all just see that deer or did someone spike my sweet tea":peace: