When i got home this morning my grow box was a cold 58f. I forgot to adjust the house temp when i left last night. The Cobra looks fine but the BH was all droopy. I got the temp to 72f in about an hour. Then 77f for the rest of the day. The BH seed that i planted has a curled up tap root just laying in the soil. Going to give it a few more days and if nothing happens i'll start another. I was able to work on my new light setup that will give me room for 8 lights and room to add a carbon filter friends.
Thanks Muddy. They were at Lowes. Bout $2.30 each. I seen another grower use them on another forum a few months back. H/D did not have them that i seen.
I've never seen those at the Lowes here. Only the round ones with the connections on the back which are means for boxes. Yours are much better for surface mounting. I'll have to check the electrical supply house.
Thanks guys. I finished it today but i don't have time to install it. I added two outlets and a on/off switch. It will all mount inside the case & one cord out the back. I measured 3 times and pre-wired everything together. Now i can just take the setup and mount it
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