Outdoor pc grow box - back on the grow



hey guys, uk pc grow box grower here. its been a couple of years since my last grow, still using the same pc box, lights etc. just germinated a couple of feminised seeds and have potted them up same as before.one thing though, totally forgotten something. My seeds have opened nicely using the paper towel method, carfefully transplanted them to my soil mix but my question is what next?? cant remember. can they go straight in my pc box with the lights and air on?, got the correct temp and humidity, or do they need to stay in the dark until they surface or doesnt it matter. At present they are below surface, with just the tap root heading south. please could someone help with this point. thank you. :cry:
Welcome to AFN :D

You can put them in your case no problem :thumbs:
With the lights on? And do they need to be covered?
Yes, put the lights on, and no, they don't need to be covered. They'll be fine.

Good luck with your grow. Keep us updated.
Guys, thanks for your help. Really impressed with the quick response from the members on here. I'm only a novice toker but really enjoyed my first effort growing a while back. In fact found the whole growing, caring and loving my little crop as much fun as smoking it. (f&£k never thought I'd say that)
I usually let mine grow up until a set of regular leaves come on them before I throw them in my bubbly tank under lights. The only real reason I do this is because it is easier for me to pick the seed casinf off if I am sitting at my kitchen table rather than down standing beside my grow box. I really don't know if it matters much which may you do it. Just throwing my 2 cents worth in the mix. I have good luck my way but probably the other way is fine also.
Please remember to becareful with not overwattering when they are seedlings. You just want you soil moist enough for them the germinate and get growing so you dont want to drown them.
Take scotts word to heart and also my recent trouble. Im new to the scene of growing let alone autos. I learned very quickly that out of 7 germed 2 actually making it because of over LOVE lol wait until the leaves are reaching for the heavens to lightly water them. Not saying your dumb or noob just be weary and good karma hope evrything turns out bomb.
Yep. I'll second - or third - the 'be carefull about over-watering' thing. Little autos - even when they're only a couple of centimeters tall - have roots that go right down to the bottom of the pots, so even if the top of the soil starts looking a wee bit dry, they'll be thriving.
There is a problem with seedlings I call damping off. the seedling grows kind of leggy and then gets attacked by a mildew that causes the middle of the stock on the poor lttle girl to shrink then the plant falls over and dies. If you have seen this problem there is a very easy cure for it. Use about 20/80 percent solution of black coffee to water solution prevents this from occuring. After the seedlings emerge I water them with this solution. I never have a seedling die after I started doing this. Sure is a good way to get rid of old coffee. Who knows the coffee may even fertilize them a bit. I start about 60 plants a month and I know it works for this problem. Good luck with your seedlings.