Indoor Pakistan Ryder, Hobbit, Mikromachine Auto Grow with Blackstar Journal

Feb 1, 2012
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Hey there people. I have been lurking on these forums for a while, and figured it was about time to participate. While I have experience with photos (Casey Jones mostly), this is my first Auto grow.
I am experimenting in a small 2'x2'x5' tent with a Blackstart 240 LED.
I am growing in FFOF
Exhaust with a home made filter.
I have 3 auto's going and they are all 24 days old. Camera phone pics. . .
On the left is Kannabia Hobbit, then Kannabia Mikromachine in the middle, and finally Pakistan Ryder.
And here is a pic of my last Casey Jones:

Thanks for the welcome JM.
A little more info. . .
Right now the Hobbit is by far the bushiest and fastest growing, multiple shoots at every node. However, no white hairs yet.
The Mikromachine is a stretcher with lots of hairs already.
The Pakistan is the runt of the bunch, showing hairs but not too tall or wide.
I lightly feed them GH 3-Part every 2 waters, followed by a clean water feed. If you are wondering where my fan leaves are, I am a big fan of tucking them under smaller ones to encourage undergrowth.
I will be following along bro! I am about to drop the hobbit and mikromachine but under 700 watts of led. Green karma sent your way!
Happy to have you along DubV! Be sure to post updates on those girls. Would love to see how they do.
So I am happy to report that the Hobbit caught up to the other two girls, white hair and all! I am so happy right now. I was afraid I had an unstable one on my hands. I gave them a foliar feed of water + PMaxx last night. Seems to have kick started them.
You'll love the autos and love the light. I have 2 tents and in my 2x2x4 tent I got a blackstar 240. Its a excellent light for the price and size.
I couldn't agree with you more rhapsodyrcks. The Blackstar seems made for 2x2.
Day 26

I gave my girls some flower nutes with their water today. When I opened the tent, I got hit with a nice boquet of aroma. :D
I also had to raise my light by a few inches to improve coverage now that they are taller.
I will try to post some pics outside the tent so you can see the green.

First up is the Mikromachine
Next we have Pakistan Ryder

And finally Hobbit

I snapped one of the fan leaves on my Pakistan Ryder tonight.:crying:
On top of that it is showing some heat stress signs. So just in case, I am now soaking an Afgan Kush Ryder seed.
Never hurts to have backup.
Are autos more sensitive to heat?