New Grower Over stuffed tent

Hi All! I'm a bit tired from fighting ice and snow so I can leave the house before I run out of beer and chips :doh: I really appreciate the advice and kick in the pants to not be so attached to some leaves (even cute good smelling ones!) I cleared out the bottom third of supreme and ak. Moved carmel to the front corner with the best air flow; she is the queen's corgi as far as I can tell. Super stiff stem from sprouting and very tight between nodes, so I need to properly do a bonsai thing while not wiped out.
Your plants look very healthy. You should do what people are saying and lollipop the bottom the plant then do some heavy defoliation. I grow SOG and always have a full and crowded tent. I wouldn’t be able to get away with what I do if I didn’t completely leaf strip (schwazzing) all the leaves 2-3 times during flowering.
Here is an example of a really crowded tent.
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Thank you AutoBobje!
Much appreciated!
I posted more pics on a grow journal thread if you’re interested in looking.
Thank you AutoBobje!
Much appreciated!
I posted more pics on a grow journal thread if you’re interested in looking.

A schwazzer!!! ^_^ You're one of the first who admits it lol
Very interesting.

Y'know a few years back, people used to get really hot under the collar saying "you can't defoliate and autoflower ... it will stunt them" and they would have a MELTDOWN if they saw what you were doing today lol

Good to see it working well for you!
A schwazzer!!! ^_^ You're one of the first who admits it lol
Very interesting.

Y'know a few years back, people used to get really hot under the collar saying "you can't defoliate and autoflower ... it will stunt them" and they would have a MELTDOWN if they saw what you were doing today lol

Good to see it working well for you!
Lol Blue!
I do admit… I am a schwazzer!
The autos can definitely take it. You’re right, people are generally really timid when it comes to picking leaves off of their plants.
I’m here to grow colas and not foliage. Lol
Lol Blue!
I do admit… I am a schwazzer!
The autos can definitely take it. You’re right, people are generally really timid when it comes to picking leaves off of their plants.
I’m here to grow colas and not foliage. Lol

Right on!! :rofl:

I can only do a one plant setup ... I'm be so tempted to give it a go ... but probably need to see more guides and "in action" results before i strip my only plant 2 weeks into flower!! ^_^

A bit brave for me right now!!

It may get some heat ... but if you'd like to do a schwazzing pictorial guide .. I can lock it - I've seen people talking about it in the shadows for about a year, but not many are doing it live!

I've been trying to rep you, but need to spread it around first!
Right on!! :rofl:

I can only do a one plant setup ... I'm be so tempted to give it a go ... but probably need to see more guides and "in action" results before i strip my only plant 2 weeks into flower!! ^_^

A bit brave for me right now!!

It may get some heat ... but if you'd like to do a schwazzing pictorial guide .. I can lock it - I've seen people talking about it in the shadows for about a year, but not many are doing it live!

I've been trying to rep you, but need to spread it around first!
Glad to hear you’re thinking of trying it Blue!
Really not much to it. I try to leave the plants alone for the first 3 weeks of their lives. I do random defoliation, leaf tucking and also bend the top over during the first 3 weeks, but nothing to really stress out the plant. I tend to grow all ILGM autos and they have a short veg life, so I never do any topping to my plants, at the risk of stunted growth. When I reach about week 2 of flower is when the work really starts. I basically take all the broadleaves off the plant. Whatever I can pinch off with my finger nails will come off. It gets harder to leaf strip at week 4 due to the buds are already frosty and forming, you have to be a little more gentle and not touch the buds when plucking. I will usually pull the colas away from the plant and strip the leaves off each individual one to avoid touching them. A schwazzing session usually takes me about 1-2 hours to strip down 10 plants. It’s easier for me to just pinch off the leaves rather than cutting each one off with scissors. That would take way to long!
With your experience, you should get the hang of it really quick. Sometimes the leaf stripping is actually a little therapeutic for me. :)
Hey buddy,

First off I wanted to welcome you to AFN :woohoo1:
Second, Put a trellis over those plants and spread out the tops so you get an even canopy. Then as @Rasterman suggested start by pulling those leaves under the canopy which don't get any light. This will free up some space and let air underneath so everything stays nice and dry.
Please do check your humidity meter as the plants are in full growth at the moment and are probably drinking like a fish.


Hi! This certainly is a welcoming crew! They are each drinking about a gallon a day but so far the humidity isn't too bad (55% or lower.) I live where I have a whole house dehumidifier and humidifier and sometimes get to alternate between the two every other day :rolleyes1: I'm working on clearing out the understory, since apparently it won't cause terrible things like the googles said.