cool post, i havent read every post but heres my tactics. Ill drop off some compost bags in the woods then trek up there the next day to sort it out. I find putting autos in the ground even when prepared not too productive as the autos where too low down and didnt get enough light ( it could also be that last year was so crap weather wise and there wasnt any sun to get) I use pots atleast 10 litres big for my auto and half a big bag of compost for my regulars all covered with logs and stones for insulation and camo. My plots are always close to a stream or river for watering and i water them every 4 days (if very hot (very unlikely in wales) increase frequency)) and i use baby bio in veg and organic biobuzz bloom. I leave small container of each nute by each plot so im not carrying them with me and i have a pair of binocs and a little birdwatching on me at all times as a cover blag !
In the past i grew auto blue berry, pinapple express, small cheese, snow ryder, auto bigbang and auto supercritical. Best result was the blueberry but that was in a window (30g) the easiest to hide was the pinapple. Best effect was the bigbang. This year im going with the blueberry andf auto mazar from DP, ive just got back from the dam but didnt get any of the new autos as no one had them in stock !
Look forward to seeing all the blogs from this coming season.