Outdoor Strategies

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I've just been sitting in the tunnel having a smoke listening to the rain and normally all i can smell is weed really strongly as mine are all in flower.
but not tonight there is an overpowering smell coming from my night scented stocks which has come as a blessing as at night when the air is more still the smell from my plants is quite pungent but the stocks overpower it
So long story short if you want to hide the smell if your growing outdoors plant some normal stocks for daytime and night scented stocks for the night.....I'm rambling aren't I :pass:
hello i am new afn. i am first time grower but quick learner! i am growing organic and only. one strategy for my, next growing will be for sure not buying any biobizz or other nute for me! all are marketing products and are expensive!! you almost have to buy all collection and in the end you need more because elements are not all in the bottle.
so i decide my strategy with nutes will be ship and chicken manure mix in water (if needed some cal mg add extra on the plant). thats all and save biggggg money and its organic!!!!
hello i am new afn. i am first time grower but quick learner! i am growing organic and only. one strategy for my, next growing will be for sure not buying any biobizz or other nute for me! all are marketing products and are expensive!! you almost have to buy all collection and in the end you need more because elements are not all in the bottle.
so i decide my strategy with nutes will be ship and chicken manure mix in water (if needed some cal mg add extra on the plant). thats all and save biggggg money and its organic!!!!

Good one. I've evolved from chemical bottles, to "organic" bottle products, now I don't use any bottled stuff. e.g. i make my own stuff... compost teas, sprout teas, fermented plant juices, eggshell powders, collecting washed up pumice stone for aeration. Still have to buy stuff like kelp meal , azomite, etc of course, but the rest is cheap as chips. Gonna start composting this year too. It's all about looking after your soil life. Good luck man.
get or farm your own, worm castings! that with the chicken manure should make fora killer mix. Always ad some lime also!


hello i am new afn. i am first time grower but quick learner! i am growing organic and only. one strategy for my, next growing will be for sure not buying any biobizz or other nute for me! all are marketing products and are expensive!! you almost have to buy all collection and in the end you need more because elements are not all in the bottle.
so i decide my strategy with nutes will be ship and chicken manure mix in water (if needed some cal mg add extra on the plant). thats all and save biggggg money and its organic!!!!
Heres a space saving technique for outdoor autos - which is tiering pots to create more space for roots. Its not practical for guerilla growers to start off in 20 litre pots but 10 litres isnt so bad as they dont weigh much when full and they fit into shopping bags easy. Someone on here a while ago gave a tip for going to supermarkets or petrol stations or wherever they sell cheap flowers and getting 10 litre buckets for free or getting stacks for little money as they dont keep or use them. So for each pot you need 2 buckets, cut the bottom out of one and the other cut about 2 inches from the bottom, this gives you a cup to fit over the other one and then when planting out you just remove the cup and plant. When moving and carrying always hold by the bottom !



This is an auto Mazar that was put out in June, think its been out a week or 2 in this pic. I use 50 litre planters to tier into, i only put 20 litres of compost in the bottom and some gravel from the river at the bottom. It gives good protection from insects and rodents too and helps with mould prevention by lifting the plants away from the ground.

Same plant last week and we've had the worst summer in 30 years in some parts of the uk!
Heres a space saving technique for outdoor autos - which is tiering pots to create more space for roots. Its not practical for guerilla growers to start off in 20 litre pots but 10 litres isnt so bad as they dont weigh much when full and they fit into shopping bags easy. Someone on here a while ago gave a tip for going to supermarkets or petrol stations or wherever they sell cheap flowers and getting 10 litre buckets for free or getting stacks for little money as they dont keep or use them. So for each pot you need 2 buckets, cut the bottom out of one and the other cut about 2 inches from the bottom, this gives you a cup to fit over the other one and then when planting out you just remove the cup and plant. When moving and carrying always hold by the bottom !
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This is an auto Mazar that was put out in June, think its been out a week or 2 in this pic. I use 50 litre planters to tier into, i only put 20 litres of compost in the bottom and some gravel from the river at the bottom. It gives good protection from insects and rodents too and helps with mould prevention by lifting the plants away from the ground.
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Same plant last week and we've had the worst summer in 30 years in some parts of the uk!
Yep the bug mask is a very good thing ..no I'd. ..and if yer doing guerrilla proper ya got bugs.
From what I gather brown dirt got ripped and so grows indoors now....shame.
Yeah I think he focus's on his website and video work now. Also I think he got ripped on his own property so if he does do outdoor it's probably guerrilla or some where other than his own camp/place. What do I know though, I'm just guessing. For all we know he could have staged the rip to show people the perils of outdoor growing.
Last year I grew in 3 gallon pots outside. It was absolutely awful. I had to water everyday in the heat of the summer. The slow side was about every three days. Still too much for a stealthy grow. The second half of the summer I dug into the clay slab that area is on and filled the holes with potting mix. I dug good sized holes and amended with espoma tomato food. Unfortunately the autos I dug them holes for did not make it. But the long season girls like the holes pretty good. The clay when dug out holds it shape really well.
It is like making an inverted pot out of clay.

So this year I am planning on diggin into the clay again hopefully I can get something figured out with amending the clay cause buying potting mix for each hole sucks.

Anyone else here in the clay? If so how did you find out any fixes for it.....short of years of addin compost to make the soil right. I need something I can get in and out.
Gypsum works! It breaks the chemical reaction that holds the tiny clay particles so tightly together. You will see a difference in a month and after a year you will be amazed, but follow directions on the package. Also, plant some "Green Manure" or "Cover Crops" they will grow in cold wet weather (Fall or Spring) just a 2# package of seed will cover 500 square feet and costs $8.00. The roots penetrate the clay breaking it up and aerating it, also the plants "Fix Nitrogen" from the air and store it in little "nodules" on their roots. Two or three weeks before you plant (your summer crop) chop the Cover Crops down and amend your Clay soil with them, this will add nitrogen and organic matter to the soil. I purchased mine at a Nursery supply store they should also sell you some "innoculant" to soak the seeds in just before planting. It helps the nitrogen fixing properties of the cover crops. I plant mine in late Fall after harvest, nasty cold wet weather and they still grow. Just throw a little bit of loose dirt over the seeds so the birds and animals don't eat them. I have dealt with heavy clay soil for several years and these things will work, especially in remote areas. Remember, follow directions on the Gypsum.