Outdoor Strategies

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I've been scouting this spot for two years now and am starting to get the feel for the land. It rains a lot here, we're known for it, it's just we get a dry spell for the three critical months we need it here. I don't have a car and can't wander too far out of the city. I'm poor.... beans and rice bought in bulk poor. Everything I have goes into my dog, school and this hobby(priorities listed in order). I'm a bicycle powered guerrilla growing ninja. I've been pulling off grows in city limits for a while now but this place is a 15 mile ride out of town and sometimes an overnight trip for me. No biggie, I like sleeping under the stars.

The method I'm going to use for watering is near undetectable. You'd have to hurt yourself just to stumble across the feed mechanism. There will also be no trail leading into where the plants are. I can't stress how massive and impregnable these blackberries are. I used to be one of those little street urchins that traveled around the country with a pack and like you said on UDG, I can see when anyone alters anything in the woods. I know a game trail from a human one and how to not leave a mark.

I'll try and document this method and post it up when I'm done.

Once again, thanks for all the input and help, most appreciated!
There will be shrimp and lobster for you this fall. And some pigs ears for your Lab.
That or we'll actually be able to afford her vet bills now. That fucking dog has better health coverage than I'll ever have, but priorities are priorities. I could give a shit about humans but animals deserve the best, and that's what we're giving her.
Cheap Hot Sauce To Deter Animal Dig-ups?

I wondering if adding a few drops hot sauce around the top of the soil I use will deter dig-ups from animals, I get dug up some what often during the first few weeks after planting due to using bloodmeal and bonemeal.

I've made sprays with with a combo Tabasco sauce/ tobacco tea and used it to ward off pest before and I'm thinking about carrying a bottle of cheap hot sauce to lay a few drops over the top of the soil before leaving and doing this once a week or so "every time I visit" after watering. I've vacuum sealed bags of things I didn't want dogs finding when I was younger and traveling with weight and used a layer of cayenne pepper and petro-jelly in between the packs vacuum sealing it twice.

I think the hot sauce may lower the ph of the soil a bit overtime, but would be organic and would deter animals from digging up the soil with their paws and noses.

what do y'all think?
I think you should use something beside blood and bone if you're having a problem with it like some people already suggested to you. That or you should use actual animal deterrents, hot sauce does not stop animals.
Have you tried it Piggy? I think it would burn their noses, simple question if anyone has used it. bonemeal and blood meal are just so cheap and easy, what ferts do you recommend?
Johnny, why would I say that unless i knew? If you're dead set on just using bone and blood and shaking hot sauce around then go for it.
Have you tried it Piggy? I think it would burn their noses, simple question if anyone has used it. bonemeal and blood meal are just so cheap and easy, what ferts do you recommend?

johnny, people are trying to help you.... if you use blood and bone you will get dug up... everywhere. period. If you want to experiment with methods, go ahead but I highly doubt you will beat the nose of an animal. Its the life of an animal to find what others hide.. You cant fool a canine nose there 1000 times better then yours.

Use guano. or use chemical ferts. This has been common knowledge since the 60s... And to the best of my knowledge there has been know one to figure a way around it. IMO its a waste of time even considering it.
Hey Johnny, feral animals are way different in their approach to getting sustenance than pets or animals accustomed to humans feeding them.
Hot sauce MIGHT make a well fed animal turn their nose up, depending on how much they wanted what was under the hot sauce. But for a hungry wild animal, most commercially available sauces wouldn't even rate much more than an irritated snort and then it would be on to the grub.
That and the fact that exposure would neutralize any small amount of deterrent properties it has and the problem you would have with the sugars in it drawing any number of insects, which would then attract animals of various sorts to the area.
If you want to keep wild animals away from ANY food source, you have to either put up physical barriers that will prevent them access to the food source or use a repellent that outweighs the draw of the food.
If tabasco sauce or any hot sauce worked as a deterrent to animals grazing on their crop every farmers in the land would would be using it by the tons.
There is a reason it is not marketed as an animal repellent.