Outdoor Outdoor Stealth in Plain Sight autoflower grow

Jun 10, 2016
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Hi everybody, just wanted to introduce myself. I've grown inside and out but this is my first experience with autos.

I'm doing my grow in a west facing shrubbery bed, but starting the seeds inside at 18/6 under CFL and a 175w metal hallide. I'm using the MH bulb to create a single light point and to raise the temps to the mid 80s so as to acclimate the seedlings for their move to the near tropical Texas sun and heat. I'm near Austin and at the 30th parallel; 100 degree afternoon temps are already the norm. I've been moving them when they get their second set of true leaves - generally around 12 days - so far all is going very well.

My situation is as follows: I am planting a large raised shrubbery bed behind a small wall of rosemary. I have about an 3' x 6' spot that gets good sun - about 5+ to 7 hours direct afternoon from mid March to the end of October. The raised bed is 4ft high with a rock (boulder) retainer where the land drops off. The bed was built from the boulders excavated when I built the place and then filled by my landscaper with truckloads of soil. It is fifteen years old has lots of mature shrubs and flowers which provide excellent wind and storm protection, and is filled with butterflies, lizards, bees, the occasional rattlesnake, and marijuana leaf starved rabbits. In short, it's a very healthy garden and yes! it has drip irrigation throughout.

It was when I found a volunteer candy jack growing there all by itself nearly ripe in early June last year that I realized it was a perfect grow spot and entirely private. I was making Candy Jack BHO and had thrown the frozen spent weed (which must have had a seed) off the porch and into that bed. This was some high end commercial pro-grow weed too. Who says the pro's don't use autos? That's when I knew what to do.

Can you find the autos?





This one is easy cause I'm in the bed
sweet! Can't beat free weed. you live near Austin huh have a dozen round rock doughnuts for me.
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Cool setup man... thanks for sharing with us and good luck on your first autos
nice! love the stealth!
Stealth is a concern for many of us it seems! Good luck with this one:)